Strengthen Your Lower Body | Golf Workouts


With the amount of importance that many novice golfers place on their upper body and core muscle group movements, the intense untapped power found in our lower body muscles can often be overlooked.

Acting as the driving force behind every deep distance drive and powerful shot you see the pros knock out each weekend, strengthening our lower body muscles through targeted golf workouts can be a huge game changer for players that are looking to add power to their swings.

Increasing the strength in your leg muscles through targeted workouts will ultimately lead to improved composition in your swing, while amping up the speed in your clubhead.

Working out the muscle groups in your lower body, especially the legs, will promote increased stability in your golf swing, while drastically improving your agility and making flawed motion much less likely.

Through focused training, as exhibited in this George Gankas golf lesson, players will begin to redistribute the majority of their body weight to their legs.

As taught through the GG Swing Method, strong legs promote a more stabilized golf swing, evident in the way golfers have applied George Gankas golf lessons to their own development as players.

While novice golfers stand to benefit dramatically from adopting leg exercises into their golf workout routines, even seasoned players or golfers that are rehabbing an injury should consider applying these movements to their existing training.

When looking to add strength to your lower body, focusing on your leg muscles will immediately ensure that your swing benefits from increased stability and weight balance.

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Many golfers begin with single leg deadlifts when interested in expanding the power found in their hips and glutes.

Not only do single leg deadlifts increase strength, most players will notice that the alignment in the core and back becomes more symmetrical when doing these workouts on a regular basis.

Leg swings are another exercise that many golfers have credited with expanded mobility in their entire lower body.

Basic enough to be incorporated into any normal warm up routine, working on leg swings as a means to expand your lower body power will also ensure you remain free of flawed motion or muscle strains.

Players balance their body by holding onto a pole or their golf club to maintain balance, spreading their feet out in alignment with their shoulders.

Next, golfers simply need to just swing their leg back and forth, while maintaining solid posture in their upper body.

You should aim to maintain a consistent speed while performing 10 swings per set, then switch to the opposite leg.

Another great golf workout that builds lower body strength involves jumping onto a box.

Known as box jumps, this exercise involves gradually increasing the height of boxes, which will eventually translate into the elimination of spine compression due to heightened resistance found in many players.

Expect to experience increased strength in your hamstrings and glutes while performing this workout, which will provide expanded force and velocity during the downswing transition.

Golfers who are seeking exercises that will quickly build muscles in their legs will be huge fans of rotating lunges, which also will help players establish a separation between their upper and lower body.

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By easily establishing separation between our lower body and upper body, players will expand the distance of their shots tremendously.

To successfully perform this workout, players must assume an upright position and then drop to one knee, with the opposite knee tilted forward.

Your lead side will be utilized to drop and raise your body during this exercise.

Ensure that your upper body rotates to your lead side during this drill.

When executed correctly, expect to experience increased spinal flexibility, while being empowered to skillfully separate the upper and lower portions of your body.


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