Your Golf Scoring Potential

Do you want to find out how good you really are? Find out what shots you really need to practice? Try this next time you go out to the course. Play a one-man scramble.

Golf Mobile Apps for Blackberry: Easy to Get Tips

With the golf season rapidly approaching, it is interesting to see the growing number of golf mobile apps come on the market. The iPhone has hundreds of golf apps available, but many are not very useful except for a few that offer GPS-type range finder capabilities, golf tips and instruction and practice drills.

Pro Jerry Barber’s Secret Mental Golf Psychology for Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is one of the most powerful mental weapons of golf psychology – yet most golfers will never learn how to think positively. Discover Pro Jerry Barber’s secret mental golf psychology for positive thinking an improve your game of mental golf today!

Golf Full Swing Impact Drills to Get More in Golf

Here we list you two important golf full swing impact drills to provide you better understanding of golf swing fundamental. Learn much about golf club position or swing path and the practice drills to incorporate in golf game.

How to Improve Your Golf Swing in 3 Easy Steps

You step up to the ball, and take your best swing…and the ball goes plunk right into the lake, or right into the sand trap. You figure there must be something wrong with your swing, but what? Is it the back swing, the grip, or do you need better clubs? Knowing there’s something wrong with your golf swing, but not knowing what can be disheartening. Finding out how to improve your golf swing can become a very frustrating and time consuming event, but it doesn’t have to be.

See also  CONSISTENT GOLF SWING - What To Feel At The Top of The Backswing
How to Find Your Natural Golf Swing

I would assume that if you play golf, you have gotten the idea of how to swing a stick at a ball and hit it. I don’t take that statement lightly. It’s not an intuitive act, and you have to learn how to do it. Turning that into a golf swing is the next step.

Top 3 Golf Slice Cures

Golf slicing is an all too common problem amongst amateur golfers. Find out what the top 3 golf slice cures are, so you can start hitting the ball straighter and further than ever before.

Stack and Tilt Golf Swing – 4 Easy Steps to a Powerful Pro Golf Swing

You go down to the golf course and you take your best swing, somehow the ball goes where IT wants to and not where YOU want it to. You feel incredibly frustrated as you attempt shot after shot and get the EXACT same results, and the worst part is…you have no idea how to fix it. Figuring out what’s wrong with your swing can be a challenge.

How To Hit A Golf Swing Driver

Using a driver is not different from using any other golf club in your set. The swing that you use will always be the same. However, the attitude you bring to the tee will determine how to hit a golf swing driver. That is right. What you think is what you get.

Do You Know What Is Involved in Golf Fitness Training?

There was a period of time in Evan’s life when he was an institution at the local golf course, heading out to the course whenever he had some free time. Over the years, his career became more demanding and his family grew to include a wife and several kids who each demanded some of his time as well. He finally reached a point in his life where he was semi-retired, and this freed up quite a bit of time that he could spend enjoying rounds of golf several times a week on a regular basis again.

See also  Reduce Spin with your Driver!
How Will You Improve From Golf Training Swing Courses?

Bob usually played golf with his regular group of golfing buddies who were about as skilled in the game as he was, so his weaknesses with his game and particularly his swing never really stood out too much. Over the last few weeks, however, Bob had played a few rounds with a group of professional colleagues who had some serious golf skills, and this gave Bob an eye-opening look at how poor his skills truly were.

Why Should You Buy a Golf Training Swing Aid?

Victor loved playing golf and he spent a lot of time practicing. He was always at the driving range and on the practice green, but when it came to going out on the course, his game fell apart. He thought that a golf training swing aid might help him groove his swing and build confidence, but he wasn’t sure if they were a waste of money or not.

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