Steve Stricker Reveals His Putting Secrets | Putting Tips |Golf Digest

Find out how to roll it like a pro and make more birdies with advice from PGA Tour player Steve Stricker.

We all talk about a pre-shot waggle
to get your big swing going,
but I’m gonna talk about a pre-shot
motion or a waggle to get your putting stroke going.
What I like to do is bounce the putter a little bit
and give it a little bit of a forward press.
The caution there is not to do it too much,
because that can lead to some bad tendencies,
misalignment, maybe some other bad things
that you don’t wanna happen throughout the stroke.
So, before I get to go,
I give it a little bit of a bounce
and a little bit of a forward press
to get my stroke going, relieve some of the tension
out of my arms.
It enables me to put a good stroke on it.
I hope that works for you.

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Steve Stricker Reveals His Putting Secrets | Putting Tips |Golf Digest

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