Staying Balanced in your Golf Swing

In todays Video we look at the Takeaway. Effective takeaway movements.

We look at the importance of balance and the movements that happen in the take away with regards to Tilts and turns. If your a person suffering from to much pressure on your toes at address or at impact or losing balance at the most crucial time, then this is the video for you. We show you two drills, one at the golf course and one that you can use at home. We then take it to the Golf course and put it into practice.


Social Media: ND Golf
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Welcome to the GolfBox Academy hosted by Nicholas d’Avoine (ND GOLF). If your looking for swing tips, Course Vlogs, Trick shots and Training Aid Reviews then this is the Channel for you.
I post video’s weekly to help you improve in the game of golf, you may even catch some cross content with GolfBox TV’s, Alex Etches.

Golfbox Academy:

Swing tips
Course vlogs
Training Aid reviews
Tech Reviews

See also  Golf Club Path Too Much From The Inside

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