Short Game Drills – How to Chip Like a Pro – Golf Test Dummy

Short Game Drills – How to Chip Like a Pro – Golf Test Dummy

#howtogolf #shortgame #bettergolf

Golf is hard. I know; Big revelation, right? But if you’re looking for lower scores and better golf, the fastest and easiest way to get there is practicing your short game.

This is the first in a 4 part series on short game improvement. The skills needed to play good golf are chipping, pitching, putting, and wedges from 100 yards and in. This episode is the bump and run.

Golf is a difficult game, but we make it tougher than it has to be most of the time. The golf swing can be very simple and consistent without devoting PGA level practice time. That said, there are a million reasons why we make the golf swing in to a monster that beats us up and steals our lunch money.

With this channel, I explore all sorts of ideas and golf concepts to see what has merit, and what might be a huge waste of time. One thing is for sure; I have found a few “Golf Laws” that hold true no matter who you are or what your skill level is.

1. The short game is by far and away the most effective way to lower scores.
2. Your tee and fairway shots don’t have to be tour-quality; You just need to be able to advance the ball a consistent distance and keep it in play.
3. Most of us practice very little, but expect steady improvement.
4. In general, most amateurs practice 100 yards an in about 10 percent of the time, when that part of our game accounts for about 75 percent of our shots on the course.

See also  Chipping Challenge with Seth

There are many more “laws” I’m sure, but at this point in my journey, I have found these to be the most crucial to me. I hope that by sharing my experiences in golf, I can help you to improve your game and find lower scores.

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