Sharpen Your Mental Game! Lower Your Golf Scores!

Tips On The Mental Game of Golf

The most important principle in correct mental golf is to “Think Positive”. Put plainly, it is the decision and practice of focusing on and thinking of only what you want to happen. Second, “Play By Instinct” is the practice of allowing your body’s unconscious ability to dominate your game. This article will explore a few additional concepts that are designed to help you improve your thought processes on the golf course and lower your scores.

2012 New Years Resolution: Lose Weight and Play More Golf!

It seems like losing weight and getting in shape are the top New Years resolutions every year while playing more golf usually is not. This article will show you how you can get in shape and lose weight while playing the game of golf.

Looking To Retire In Style? Why Golf Cart Retirement Communities Can Be The Right Choice

If you’re approaching retirement, you might be looking into golf cart retirement communities. From golf, to cooking, to a number of different housing choices, consider whether golf cart communities are right for you.

Finding the Proper Golf Swing

When dealing with the idea of learning to golf it’s a good idea to make sure that you know what you need to start with. In order to get to the point where you have the proper golf swing then you need to take the process in a step by step course. It’s best to make sure that you start with the easiest thing and the move on from there.

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How Rock N’ Roll Can Help Your Golf Game!

If you know anything about me, you will know that besides golf, I have a passion for Rock N Roll and Blues, and as I am not currently in a band, I do go out to sing at open mic nights as often as I can. When I first started playing, I was a drummer, and I still enjoy playing on the odd occasion, but since I got thrust into the world of being the singer in the band in which I was playing, I really enjoy that, much more. And guess what, it has helped my golf game too!

The Secret For How To Cure A Slice In Golf

There are two keys that will guide you through how to cure a slice in golf: understanding why it happens and doing drills to keep it from happening again. Even though with a slice the ball curves right, it happens because your club is moving left, across your body. Watch how you swing the club in front of a mirror so that you get the feel of your swing. Feel whether your hands tighten or twist the club in any way, then practice correcting the problem.

How to Choose Ladies Golf Shoes

With so many styles and price points in ladies golf shoes and other golf clothing, how do you select the shoe that is best for you? This article provides you with the tactics to make sure you can make the best decision possible.

Learn the Secrets of How To Break 80 In Golf

This is a great topic for anyone wondering if it’s even really possible to break 80 in golf. Some golfers say that it is not possible unless you’re a golf pro. But it is possible and not just through luck. If you want the thrill of cutting 10 strokes off of your game read on.

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Get Ready For Spring By Implementing A Golf Fitness Routine

Winter can be tough on your golf game if you live in snow country. Here are a few tips to help you get ready for spring.

Reviewing Golf GPS Units

People often wonder which golf GPS unit is the best, as there are so many golf GPS devices to choose from. This is the reason why I have compiled the four best golf GPS systems to narrow down your list. There is a golf GPS unit that perfectly suits individuals who only wanted to know the yardage, while there are other units that are built with several additional features.

How to Reduce the Cost of Golf Cart Batteries

Preventing embarrassing break downs on the golf course due to flat golf buggy batteries makes sense and is easy to achieve. Take good care of your golf cart battery and reap the rewards in more ways than simply saving money.

Golf Ideas You Need To Check Out

Playing golf is a form of art, one that consists of significantly more than just knocking a golf ball down the fairway to plop it into the cup. Hitting the golf ball calls for flexibility and strength in the upper body. Furthermore, it’s essential to stay calm and focus on shot accuracy and precision in order to make your golf shots go where you want them to. Keep reading for a variety of helpful tips and tricks for improving your game.

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