Seniors Fitness & Strength Training Workout

In this video we show you 76 year old Laurie Ford go through a vigorous Functional Strength Training workout that is hard for people in their 20’s yet alone at age 76.

Strength training for older adults is essential for maintaining the ability to move about in life to do the activities, hobbies, sports and interests that you would like to do. This is a perfect example of it never being too late to start, as although Laurie is incredible at all the exercises on this video, he really did not start gym work until his 60’s and he did not really start functional strength training until his 70’s!
The fact that his strength, balance, posture, flexibility, agility have all significantly improved, even at the ripe age of 76 shows you the benefits of a well designed exercise and fitness program. It is never too late to add muscle, and adding muscle in your old age actually helps you stay younger and healthier.

Improving balance in older adults is a huge problem facing many people today with falls being one of the main fatality statistics. Incorporating this skill into your training is priceless. Watch Laurie’s skill using the swiss ball on the Bulgarian Deadlift. His endurance on the rower is a complete different system compared to the Tornado Ball which requires fast twitch fibres for power. This workout would destroy many people half his age and this is something he would do 2-3 times per week.

It must be understood that we do not use body building type exercises unless we need to isolate an area for rehab. Using body building exercises are no good for the older adult either as the process of sitting down to lift heavy objects without the need of stabilization creates more problems than it solves.

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Designing exercises and programs to build core strength and strength in a standing position is critical for the senior client.

If you would like to know more about our training go to and check out the articles and videos we have posted.

Here are some articles to get you started;

Can You Slow The Aging Process With Exercise?

Balance Training – Why It Is Essential For Everyone To Train This Skill

Exercises For Seniors to Improve Daily Activities

We specialize in training people for real life movements and have over 20 clients aged in their 70’s just like Laurie.
If you live in Melbourne, Australia, make sure you check out our new ‘Stronger For Longer’ group class. Designed for older adults, this is the best program we have ever released for people to learn how to prevent crippling problems like sarcopenia, diabetes, fear of falling and live the life of their dreams.

For more information about our Stronger For Longer Program go to

Our Golf Program which you can also check out at is another example of how we are incorporating many programs for older adults.

Last but not least, we have a FREE Report called ‘Stay Stronger For Longer – Learn The 6 Secrets About How To Exercise For Older Adults And Live Life To The Fullest. It’s packed full of useful information to help you on your way.

To download your FREE report, visit this link:

As always, we are here to answer any questions you may have. Simply comment below and we’d be happy to help.

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Yours in health,


P.S. To share with your friends and relatives on Facebook, simply use this link:

Please watch: “6 Great Thoracic Drills and Stability Exercises” as this by far one of the most important videos we have made in recent times and an area most people are unfamiliar with


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