Reduce Spin with your Driver!

How To Get Better Golf Drives In Five Clear Steps

Nearly every challenge may be tackled successfully, if you just divide it up into easy steps. Here is how one can get better golf drives within just 5 simple steps.

Golfing Schools or Private Lessons, Which Is Better For You?

As we roll into the New Year you may be thinking about the state of your golf game right now and deciding on the best strategy for improvement this year. You might have even come to the conclusion that to play better golf you will need to invest some of your time, effort and money in having a golfing lesson or two, or even attending a golfing school? In this article I’m going to share with you my thoughts on the immense differences between taking a golfing lesson here and there versus spending a few days at a top golfing school.

The Matrix Ozik Golf Shaft – Improves Golf Game

A new high performance golf shaft, an advancement of Matrix Golf, named the Matrix Ozik, has become available on the market. The new shaft is noticeably contrastive in comparison to other shafts. A unique advancement in technology, has entailed the manufacture of the shaft, which enables a more perfect tee.

Golf Cart – Past Present and Future

Golf, a poplar sport played by many people around the world. Golf over the years has taken off and is now a popular sport for all. Although golf is very much about the game, it is also about how you present yourself on the golf course, what you wear, how you act and what you say.

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Golf Sand Shots – How to Play Bunker Shots

Sand bunkers (formerly called “sandtraps”) are strategically placed on courses in the landing areas where the majority of players hit their tee shots and around the greens. The frequency of your use of sand shots depends on the course or courses you play. The number of sand bunkers on a given course can range from none to 100 or more.

Golf Uneven Lies

One of the distinguishing features of a golf course is the type of terrain on which it is built. This varies from one geographical area to another as well as within the design of the course itself. For example, the courses in Florida or Holland tend to be flat, while those in Vermont or Austria are usually hilly.

Effective Golf Tips On How To Improve Your Golf Swing – Part 2

Every golfer is always looking for improvement when it comes to their golf swing. This article is part 2 of my article series “Effective Golf Tips On How To Improve Your Golf Swing”. In part one, I discussed your grip and your stance.

Are You A Casual Golfer?

A casual golfer is one who genuinely enjoys golfing just for fun. They love the social aspect of it and can count on the exercise to improve their health while playing a game where scores and rules are not the main goal. Though most like the idea of improving their game and playing well, they’re not as serious about golf’s competitive aspect.

Solid Golf Shots Depend on Knowing Where the Ground Is
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One reason why golf is so much harder than other stick-and-ball sports is that the ball is on the ground, not in the air, when you hit it. There really isn’t any room for error. If the club comes into the ball a half-inch too high or too low, that’s a mis-hit. Maybe it wouldn’t be noticed if you were off this much while hitting a tennis ball, but in golf one half inch is a lot. It is imperative, then, that you learn how to find where the ground is.

Golf Fitness – Top Five Benefits of Better Flexibility for Duffers

Ever watch Ernie Els or Fred Couples swing a golf club? The perfect grace they display is a thing of beauty to be envied by all. Discover their secret to this rhythmical swing and how you can soon be swing just like them.

Effective Golf Tips – How To Improve Your Golf Swing Speed

Most golfers know that your swing speed relates to longer drives off the tee, but they also don’t know how to improve their gold swing speed. I can tell you that the answer isn’t to just swing harder and if you’ve tried that, you already know it doesn’t work! So the question remains, how do you improve your swing speed?

Golf Swing Trainer – How the Medicus Helps You Swing on Plane for Duffers

Imagine a beautiful drive followed by a pure iron shot. Birdie putt coming up. What more could an everyday golfer desire? Most often the reason this doesn’t happen for you is somewhere in the swing the club went off plane. Discover how the everyday golfer can correct this common swing problem and begin seeing more birdie opportunities.

See also  The golf clubs I’ll be using to start 2022!

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