Beginner’s Guide to Golf

Daily Golf Tips

Possibly the most important Golf Swing Thought

In this episode of the Beginner’s Guide to golf I discuss a topic that you rarely hear about in the Golf community. It’s probably something that Golfers and Golf coaches should discuss more, and that’s Swing Thoughts. What are you actually thinking about during your Golf Swing? Ultimately it’s what determines how well you execute the Golf Swing along witrh your initial set up.

As a Beginner golfer I’ve gone through many different Golf Swing Thoughts. Some have worked, while others just became additional clutter in my mind. One of the first things I learned about Golf Swing Thoughts is that the fewer you have. The better you will perform, provided the few you have are the right ones. I began to really improve once I was able to get my Golf Swing Thoughts down to 3. By the end of last Season (that’s September in Canada) I had whittled them down to just 2. My game had become consistent but it was lacking something I had before, DISTANCE!

What had changed? Why was I suddenly a full club shorter, even though my consistency of strike had improved? I believe it all came down to using an incorrect Swing Thought. During the Swing my two Swing Thoughts happen during the back swing and at impact with the ball. Once I make contact my mind clears, and all I am interested in from that point on is the end result. What I forget to take into account is the remainder of the Golf Swing after impact. This has lead me to incorporate a new Golf Swing Thought that I believe could help the majority of developing golfers out there. It just might be the most important Golf Swing Thought you can have.

See also  Disc golf for beginners by a beginner

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