How Does Golf Fitness Training Really Work?
My best friend Nick had playing golf for almost 20 years, but for some reason, he just never got any better than he had been in his early years. He was in fairly good shape and jogged on occasion, but no one would say that he was in great shape. Because of this, me and a few of my friends thought that we should all try golf fitness training as a way to improve our overall health.
Golf Lessons Online At Your ConvenienceTaking golf lessons online at your convenience has many advantages. Taking online lessons gives you the opportunity to take lessons from professional golf instructors who are not offered at your local golf courses. This is a wonderful way to master the game of golf.
How To Conquer Windy Conditions When Playing GolfWhen most amateur golfers are faced with a windy day on the golf course they often swing harder and faster but this is the worst thing you can do if you want to score well on windy days. So I’m going to give you some advice on what you should do on a windy day to shoot low scores. Read this article to learn what to do to keep your golf score down when you’re faced with windy conditions out on the golf course
Discover How Hard To Grip The Golf Club For Consistent Golf ShotsRead this article to discover a golf grip drill that will help you find the right golf grip firmness for you. This is not some fluff talk about holding the golf club like a baby bird or a loaf of bread. Learn a real and simple method to find your correct golf grip.
Putting – How To Become An ExpertAgain, many golfers have trouble with their putting. I know of one experienced golfer who can consistently drive the ball 250 to 300 yards only to get on the green and three putt. Nothing frustrates him more, but putting is an important part of your golf game – possibly THE most important part.
Information On Golf Trolley Batteries And Tips To Prolong The Battery LifeElectric Golf Trolley is a great gadget on the putting green. The golf bag can be quite heavy and having to lug it around on the vast course can be a strain. Most people prefer to hire caddies or golf carts but doing this every time you go to the course can turn out a little on the expensive side. That is why getting a trolley is a good investment that will save you money later on. The electric trolley works on battery and is controlled by a remote. It is used to carry the bag and you can just direct it in the direction you are walking with the remote. This way you can alleviate your burden at a lowered cost.
Moe Norman the Eccentric Golf GeniusI saw Moe Norman for the first time when I was seventeen. It was at the Pinewood Park driving range in North Bay, Ontario where he had about four baskets of golf balls in front of him and was just hitting them one after another and was pointing, showing the crowd where each ball was to go. And, believe me, they did hit their mark every time-250 to 280 yards out! I was amazed! Here was this pudgy, badly dressed man with very bad teeth hitting a golf ball so purely and accurately that it was almost beyond belief. His stance was awkward looking-legs planted too wide, a palm grip and the club head at least a foot behind the ball. Everything contrary to popular golf convention-yet here he was doing the impossible! He didn’t even take a practice or warm up swing. He simply placed the golf ball on the tee, lined up and swung. He was like a machine performing the same routine over and over at an incredible pace.
The One Hour Practice Plan To Improve Your Golf GameIf you have about an hour per week to spend on improving your golf game you can make some great improvements in your golf game – IF you use this time wisely. So in this article I’m going to give you a practice plan that you can use to use this time wisely so you do actually improve your golf game.
Lower Your Golf Score by Being HappyYou might think the title of this article has it backwards. If I shoot a lower golf score, then I’ll be happy. But no, I got it right. Having a positive attitude before you start playing, and as you play, is how your best golf will come out.
A Few Must Have Tips On How To Cure A SliceThe golf slice is a pain for the majority of golfers and ways to cure a slice are at the top of their list. There are plenty of other faults that can affect a golf swing but none more annoying than a slice. On the positive side the process of how to cure a slice is not that difficult. In this article you will find some sound advice on getting rid of the problem.
Great Tips on Golf Swing Impact PositionThere has been plenty written on the subject of golf and in particular tips on the golf swing. More than just about any other sport golf has some of the most dedicated and frustrated players you will ever find. Don’t fall into the trap of playing golf swing when you should be playing golf…
Golf Swing Tips – Use Your Mind Don’t Lose It!We are all used to dissecting our golf swings in an effort to straighten out our drives or hit more solid iron shots but how often do we work on one of the most important parts of the golf game? That’s right the mental part…