GET PERFECT SWING TEMPO! Drills to Dial In Your Swing Rhythm!

Open Golf – To New Beginnings

Golf, as I see it, is a very time consuming game but have you tried telling a golfer that! Professionals usually are very time poor and don’t have the time to take up the game. In addition, they may not be able to find partners when they do have the time to play.

Ogio Ozone: Advantages and Disadvantages

The Ogio Ozone golf bag is a great bag for just about everyone. But there are a few drawbacks. Outlined here are the benefits and drawbacks of this functional, great-looking bag.

The Best Golf Club Brands for Beginners

Golf companies are always competing to offer the latest technology in golf clubs. For the beginning golfer, the many choices of companies competing for your hard-earned dollar can seem overwhelming. If you want to choose the best golf clubs for your current skill level, you will have to try out many different models. Fortunately, all of the top golf brands have something available to suit the beginning golfer.

Three Fast Tips for Better Tee Shots

Finding your way from the tee box to the middle of the fairway will provide you with a better chance for par or birdie. Hit better tee shots this year with these three tips.

Why Bushnell Laser Rangefinders Are the Best Laser Rangefinders on the Market

Bushnell has been a market leader in high-performance sports optics for over 50 years. They have consistently provided the highest quality, most reliable and affordable sports optics products across all sporting categories in the world. The range of technology deployed within their products means they have attained and continue to retain the number one position within the market place.

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Chipping Golf Tips

When it comes to chipping most golfers think they know how to hit the ball and don’t need any chipping golf tips, but they are wrong and they wonder why their ball just shot over the green. What most golfers don’t know is that chipping can make or break you because chipping determines whether or not you are going to get a par or a bogey.

Golf Hats and Caps

Picking the golf hat or cap that fits your personality. Golf hats and caps are something that has always been in fashion regardless of the season. Whether it is summer or winter, hats and caps have always been seen as one of the fashion accessories amongst athletes and non-athletes alike. Golf caps are setting a trend and not just for golfers. This era of hats has hit a new high for head fashion. Today there are all kinds of golf hats and caps that are great on or off the golf course.

The Game-Changing Bushnell Hybrid Rangefinder

There has long been a debate over which technology is better – laser rangefinder vs GPS unit. The Bushnell Hybrid Rangefinder is the first distance finding device for the game of golf to combine the accuracy of the best laser rangefinder with the convenience of GPS technology. Now you don’t have to choose.

Will Tiger Woods Win a Tournament This Year?

Tiger Woods has been struggling since his big scandal a few years ago. He has yet to regain the confidence he once had when he was dominating the golf world. Many fans believe once he regains that confidence, he will be that unstoppable force he once was. However, some fans also believe that Tiger will not be able to retain that high-competitive level he once played at.

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The Mental Game of Golf: Losing Your Cool Destroys Your Game

It was the 12th hole at Hawk’s Landing in Lake Buena Vista, FL. I had just received a new set of golf clubs for Christmas and I thought that a couple of the upgrades could help my game improve, boy was I wrong. I address the ball with my new 3 wood, I swing and chunk, sending mud, soil and grass spraying into the air! In a fit of rage I throw my new club like a javelin. As I watched it sail through the air in slow motion(with a bit of apprehension for throwing it in the first place)it strikes the golf cart, splitting in half. All I could think about was how pissed my wife was going to be and what kind of “white lie” I was going to tell her. The mental game of golf is probably the most difficult part of the game. Losing your cool can completely cause your game to unravel and for meltdowns like this to occur, making you look like a complete maniac.

Play Like the Pros

Play like the pros is something all golfers, young and old want to do. This article’s goal is to motivate all of you who play golf to give serious consideration to learning from the pros, up close and personal. How do you do this? By spending a day at a local golf tournament or a PGA tour event in your part of the world this year. Going to a golf tournament can be as helpful to your golf game as taking a summer’s worth of lessons from your local pro or watching a golf instruction video. When I was just learning the game of golf in the latter 1960s and through the 1970s I had the privilege of going to PGA tour events such as the Thunderbird (Upper Montclair Country Club), on three occasions, the U.S. Open (Baltustrol Country Club and Winged Foot Country Club), on two occasions, the PGA (Winged Foot and Baltustrol) and the Westchester Classic (Westchester Country Club) two or three times. I also went to a number of local golf tournaments in New Jersey and watched the pros from our state.

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Father and Son Golf

Father and son golf can be a life changing relationship that we strongly encourage and advocate. As a father you should encourage your son or sons or daughters to play golf at an early age. In so doing and if successful you and they will pay big dividends down the road. It is much better than watching them play video games. I believe that letting and encouraging your children to learn how to play golf and then to play golf with them as they get older is very positive for their physical, social, spiritual and familial reasons. I started playing golf when I was about 17 years old in 1965 because I could not make the high school baseball varsity in my junior year. I played with my dad on Saturday afternoons in the summer and later as I graduated from college and began to work, on weekday evenings and Saturday mornings in more competitive matches. I continued to play regularly with my dad for the next 40 plus years. I have never forgotten the two hole in ones I made while playing with him or the hole in one he made while I watched.

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