Pitching in Golf

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Just Hit the Damn Ball – by Dave Johnston
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Any golfer can develop a feel for the game from fifty yards or less. Pitching, Chipping and Putting are the scoring parts of the game that any golfer can master.

Pitching can be classified into two basic categories:

(1) The High Pitch that lands softly and stops.
(2) The Pitch and Run that bounces and rolls softly.

While the High Pitch looks impressive, it requires more practice to develop a “feel”. The margin for error is higher.

The Pitch and Run is a more predictable shot, so
(at least initially) I’m going to suggest you follow this rule of thumb; the closer you keep the ball to the ground, the more control you have. 

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The first rule of thumb for effective pitching is this:

don’t make the shot harder than it is.

Every golf shot, from Putting to Driving has one (and only one) common link; the relationship between the left hand and left leg at address.

Establishing this position for every shot is critical.For a right-handed golfer, the left hand is always opposite the inner left thigh at address.

The three keys to accurate accurate Pitching are:

(1) The Grip which determines the wrist action.
(2) Ball position which affects the loft.
(3) Weight distribution which determines the angle of impact.

You must have all three working together in order to produce the desired ball flight. 

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I have outlined the two basic Pitch shots below and the required modifications. In order to avoid confusion, the descriptions are written for a right-handed golfer.


Grip Adjustment/ Wrist Motion:

Turn your right hand (only the right hand) slightly to the left (ie. towards the target). This position encourages a more open clubface at impact which increases the loft of the shot.

Ball Position/ Clubshaft Angle:

Ball played forward of center (ie. towards the left heel). The shaft will look “straight” as you look down on the ball. This position adds extra loft to the face at impact. 

Weight distribution/Angle of Attack:

The weight distribution favours the right leg at address (about 60%). This position encourages an underhand throwing motion.

These three keys allow the wrists to hinge quickly in the backswing and follow-through. The more active the wrists, the higher the ball flies. The Backswing and Follow-through are mirror images.

Personal Adjustments

Experienced players often “open” their stance (ie. draw the left foot back) so a line across the toes points left of the target. This position also encourages the ideal underhand motion.

If this technique works for you, then by all means keep it. Experiment with the above adjustments until you find the combination that gives you the best “feel”. 

Now that you understand the three elements for the High Pitch shot, how in heaven’s name are you going to remember three more keys for the Pitch and Run?

It’s easier than you think…

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Since the desired result is basically the opposite (ie. lower ball flight), you simply reverse the modifications you made for the high pitch shot…

Dave Johnston has taught over 11,000 lessons over a 31 year career. He has been the Director of Instruction at Bloomington Downs Golf Club since it opened in 1988.

Just Hit The Damn Ball: How to Stop Thinking and Play Your Best Golf, is part one in the trilogy book series designed to help the once-a-week golfer overcome common misconceptions and unlock your natural ability.

He has developed golf programs for the Continuing Education Division of Seneca College, The Town of Aurora and The Learning Annex. His corporate clients include Hewlett Packard and Manulife Financial.

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