Peripheral Putting Path – [ GOLF TIPS ]

Peripheral Putting Path – [ GOLF TIPS ]

This video by Top 50 Teacher Don Peterson reveals a unique putting concept that can help golfers achieve phenomenal results.

Hello everybody! Don Peterson coming to you from the Swing Factory Golf Performance Studio on the north side of Atlanta I wanted to go over another putting I guess kind of a philosophy of mine you know we see Jordan Spieth setting up obviously left hand low but he looks at the at the whole lot when he putts he doesn’t do it on every putt but he does that quite often and he’s not the first one to do that there I actually grew up years and years ago I friend of mine did the same thing and he never read a putt he would never get down and look at the brake or anything he just stood over it and kind of got a feel and then just looked at the hole and rocked his shoulders and he was an excellent putter by the way so the concept that I wanted to go over with kind of I think it has a little bit to do with what Jordan Spieth does and how he feels about his putting strokes I think it’s that like you’re building this trust in your and your ability to hit the ball where you want it to go based on kind of a almost like a sixth sense I’ll give you example this is someone and they told me they you know military they used to teach you to raise the rifle and aim and shoot but they stopped doing that because by the time you got it up here and you aim the shot you were already dead so they started teaching people to kind of just pivot and shoot from the hip so you learned how to just kind of shoot from here because that’s the way you’re walking with your with your rifle so I think there’s something to that so as I’m trying to teach people what I’m trying to get them to understand is when you when you hit a putt you need to have this feeling that you’re lined up right before you pull the trigger if you don’t if you don’t have that feeling then you’re guiding it you’re trying to manipulate in fact there’s times when I’ve set up on putts when it didn’t feel right and then I tried to make the putter go where I wanted it to go and that doesn’t work I can promise you so you’ve got to get yourself set up right so how do you do that and how do you trust yourself and I’ve got a couple different videos and I’m putting out talking about this but I’m going to rock my shoulders here and what I’m going to do is I’m going to look down and you know we have peripheral vision and I want you to use your peripheral vision I’m going to call this this is kind of like peripheral power pudding or something like that okay so you know if you if I put my fingers up here and I look straight ahead I can see my fingers going away from me quite a ways all the way out to here I can see both of those fingers but you know your peripheral vision doesn’t go them… Watch the full video for the break down of the golf drill:


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Thank you,

Don Peterson

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©2020 Don Peterson Golf

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