Pain Free Golf Swing – Save Your Back

Are you looking for a pain free golf swing that is easier on your back? The Single Plane Swing reduces stress on the back by reducing the shear often created by a conventional golf swing.

The Problem

When you hang the arms below the shoulders, the Conventional golf swing has a spatial problem between you and the ball. In other words, you are too close to the ball. Because you are standing too close, you must lift your body to make room for the arms to move through impact. To do this you must lift the body by straightening the lead leg. As you lift, and move down to strike the ball at the same time, you are compressing the back and causing shear as you turn.

The Single Plane Solution

The Single plane golf swing addresses the ball on the same plane as impact and reduces stress from the lower back by moving the body down into a flexed lead knee. Because of this, the head moves down an equal distance eliminating compression and shear on the lower back.

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