Moe Norman Secrets to Consistent Ball-Striking – The Single Plane Method – Part 1

This video is about Moe Norman Secrets to Consistent Ball-Striking – The Single Plane Method Part 1, the club to body alignment.

In this video I discuss why Moe Norman’s swing method was the easiest way to become a consistent ball-striker due to the space he created at address. The space between his body and the ball make it easier to achieve impact. I call this the club-to-body relationship where, by establishing the proper spacing at address, in the Single Plane address, you can keep the spine in position and maintain the same space through impact returning the club to the same plane at impact.

To find out more about the Single Plane swing of Moe Norman, you can purchase my book, The Single Plane Golf Swing, Play Better Golf the Moe Norman Way here:

#MoeNorman #SinglePlane #GravesGolf #OnePlane

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