Michelle Wie Golf Swing | 5 Fundamentals to a Perfect Swing

Click For Free Video: Michelle Wie TSG 5 Fundamentals

Have you seen the Michelle Wie Golf Swing over the last few years? Wow!!!

She has turned into not only one of the best players on the LPGA, but also one of the best swings in golf for men and women.

We all know that there are one of millions of swing thoughts that we can have over the ball. When you get down to it, most of the so called “fundamentals” in golf, simply aren’t true. The just don’t matter to your score.

In this video, I get to the heart of the true fundamentals, the ones that allow Michelle Wie’s golf swing to be one of the greatest of all time.

If you can nail these 5 fundamentals, just like she does, you can play the best golf of your life!

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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