Michael Breed on How To Increase Speed with Your Driver | Golf Lessons | Golf Digest

Michael Breed, host of ‘The Golf Fix’ on Golf Channel, shows you how to pick up speed with your driver.

Everybody wants more speed.
And the game of golf is how far can I hit this driver.
But the question is not can I get more speed?
The question is can I get the speed in the right spot?
And so let me give you an analogy.
You’re in your car.
You’re driving to work.
You’ve got to got to miles an hour
getting onto the highway.
You’ve got a cup of coffee sitting in the console
and there’s no lid on it.
We need to get this car going miles an hour
without spilling the coffee.
You’re not slamming on the accelerator
and gunning it onto the highway.
What you’re doing is you’re gaining gradual speed.
And that’s what you wanna do with the club.
I don’t want the club going fast here.
I don’t want the club going fast here.
I want the club going fast here.
And so the way you’re gonna do that
is you’re gonna feel this club taking time in the backswing
and then making this very loud whoosh sound
happening over on this side of the body,
on the forward side of the body.
So it’s gonna look like this.
You can hear that noise happening over there.
And as you start to get this speed
happening in the right spot,
what you’re gonna start to do is gain more distance,
have better balance
and hit more in the center of the club face.
All that because you’ve gained the right speed
at the right time.
Don’t just be chasing speed,
chase speed at the right time.
Don’t spill that coffee.


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Michael Breed on How To Increase Speed with Your Driver | Golf Lessons | Golf Digest

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