Left Arm Motion – Golf Swing Tips For Improved Consistency

http://www.performbettergolf.com/blog/left-arm-motion-in-swing – Golf Swing Biomechanic Mike Pedersen of PerformBetterGolf.com shows you how your left arm should move in the golf swing to hit pure golf shots and improve your consistency. A connected left arm in your swing will produce a repeatable golf swing with very few flaws.

Once you get this, you’ll be striking the ball better than you have in years. Learning what your left arm does in your golf takeaway, downswing and through impact will be an eye-opener for you.

Golf Swing Training Aid

If you really want to get the feel of this connected left arm, take a look at this training aid:

For more FREE golf swing video tips, head on over to m

See also  Left Wrist In Golf Swing: Natural Cock for consistency

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