A Simple Drill For Powerful Golf Shots!

Every golfer wants to hit longer drives from tee, and longer, straighter shots on fairway. Unfortunately it can seem difficult to achieve this.. you hit the ball hard, and it slices into the rough! The basics of a consistent yet powerful golf swing are discussed, and some easy drills to get better are described.

Most Golfer’s Place Too Much Emphasis on Their Swing – To Their Own Detriment

If you have ever spent any time on a golf course, you have likely heard numerous golfers complaining about their golf swing. Often if they are not complaining about it, they are busy over-analyzing it and focusing on what they need to do to fix it. The fact is, most golfers would achieve better scores with a solid mental approach and a horrible swing, than a great swing and a horrible mental game.

Golf Clubs For The Young Players

In golf, age does not matter at all. Anyone can play the game and just enjoy it to the fullest. When golf was new, the devices and tools were exclusively made for adults only. But despite the fact that a kid will find it hard to hit a golf ball with an adult sized golf club, it did not stop the enthusiasm in their hearts. Thus, these days, you will find a lot of golf clubs and devices that can fit a kid.

Concentrate on Swing Faults to Improve Your Golf Swing

Eliminating golf swing faults will improve your golf swing. The problem is that sometimes finding the correct fault is difficult and prescribing the right fix can also be hard. Swing faults can also come and go sometimes in the same round.

You Don’t Have to Be Bubba Watson or John Daly to Hit the Golf Ball 300 Yards

The average distance of the top 100 Golfers in the world is 280 Yards….these guys are the best players in the world and they aren’t hitting it that much further than the average golfer (AND the fairways on the PGA Tour are probably the same speed as most golf courses’ greens). SO, what does this mean for you? Well, I’ve broken down the steps you can take that will instantly improve your driving distance. There’s nothing stopping you to averaging what the pros do!

Garmin Approach S1 Vs Bushnell Neo+

The Garmin Approach S1 and the Bushnell Neo+ are both basic GPS golf rangefinders that have a very similar feature set. The biggest difference, of course, is the Garmin Approach S1 is a watch and the Bushnell Neo+ is a small handheld device dedicated only to obtaining yardages on a golf course. The other big difference is price -the Approach S1 watch is about $100 more. Both devices get excellent reviews and ratings, so which one is right for you? Let’s take a look at what they do…

A Set Of Clubs You Need For Golf

It is very important that you are able to buy the set of clubs that you will use in the game of golf. Though it will not be easy to select from different types, you have a guide to follow. Keep them in mind all the time.

Golf Clubs For a Good Junior Player

It is very important that a kid or a junior player has the right size of the clubs that he will need for golf. The tips will actually help you do it the right way. Make sure that you keep the tips in mind all the time for you to be guided.

See also  Which golf shot was worse? 🥴
Kids Golf Clubs Today

It is very important that a kid uses the right size of clubs in playing golf. This will ensure that the game will run smooth and nice. The tips will actually help you find the best set for him. Just make sure that you follow them all the time.

The Right Size Of Golf Clubs For You

The right size of clubs must be used as you play the game of golf. Actually, The tips will help you choose the best. So you need to keep them in mind. Use the tips for you to have a guide in choosing the right golf club size for you.

As You Practice The Game Of Golf

Practice makes perfect as they say and it is indeed important in golf. You need to make sure that you are able to develop or improve yourself to become better as always. The tips will actually help you on how to do it. Just make sure that these are in your mind as always.

Cart Accessories For Golf

It is very important that you have the best accessories in your cart. These will keep the game smooth running for sure. But you will need to remember the tips mentioned so that you will be guided well. Keep them in mind all the time.

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