John Hughes Golf – Fix Your Golf Swing Plane with the 45° Stick Drill

Have you ever been told your golf swing plane is too steep? If you’ve been told you have an “Over the Top”, the 45° Stick Drill can help.

Fixing your golf swing plane is not an easy task. It requires a consistent set up of alingment and balance before you can consider attacking the task. When you have those 2 items in place, the task becomes easier, espcially if you have to miss an alignment stick when hitting the ball. Simply place the stick in the ground at a 45° angle to the ground, with the tip of the stick hanging over the ball. Now make your swing, slowly at first, that avoids hitting the stick. If you accomplish the task of not hitting the stick, your now seriously working on ficing your golf swing plane.

Look no further than the 45° Stick Drill as a possible answer to your golf swing plane improvement needs and prayers.

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See also  FIX A SLOPPY GOLF SWING (With 1 Simple Drill)

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