JAILHOUSE DRAW – George Gankas Golf Swing Lesson



A draw shot is a golf term that describes the flight path the golf ball takes. If you are right handed, the ball curves to the left and vice versa. Draws are usually played intentionally. A draw is the opposite of a fade.

Drawing describes the type of trajectory the golf ball adapts after impact, so for righties this means the ball will curve left and for lefties the ball will curve to the right. Most top speed golf pros play their draw shots with intention and thus me and my golf students consider the shot to be a very important utility.

Since becoming one of golf’s top swing instructors, George Gankas golf videos have gained global attention from an audience of dedicated players who are interested in developing their swings. As a lifelong golfer, George has begin training the current and next generation of top speed golf pros by improving their natural swing composition and helping countless players enjoy the game of golf.

With coverage by every major golf media outlet, George Gankas golf lessons have assisted several players who are currently playing in the ranks of pro tours. Recently profiled by Golf Digest Magazine as one of America’s top golf coaches, Gankas has also made appearances on several other successful sports media shows, YouTube channels, and magazines.

When planning to hit a draw, your golf ball will need to remain right of target. This means setting up your shot will involve squaring your feet up to the target as well and being sure to keep your shoulders aligned with this stance. When working on performing a draw shot, a slightly closed clubface can also be helpful for most players.

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Because most players with tour experience consider draws an important utility, most casual players will notice this type of shot typically adds up to 15 yards of distance depending on the specifications of the fairway.

Many novice golfers may believe the draw shot to be not worth learning, believing their to be better golf strategies to apply to their game elsewhere.

Most players believe draw shots to be an exceptional tool in many situations but the average casual golfer can rarely hit the shot correctly.

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