How To Hit Driver Straight (Just Try It)

If you’re an avid golfer, you know the importance of hitting your driver straight off the tee. It’s the first shot of every hole and can set the tone for the rest of your round. However, hitting your driver consistently straight can be a challenge for many golfers. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips and tricks that can help you hit your driver straight. So, let’s get started and see how you can improve your game off the tee!

How To Hit Driver Straight (Just Try It)


Golf is a game of accuracy, precision, and control. But when it comes to hitting the driver straight, things can get a little tricky. The driver is one of the most challenging clubs to master, but with the right technique, it can become your go-to club. In this article, we will give you a simple and easy-to-follow tip on how to hit the driver straight.

The Tip: Two-Knuckle Neutral Grip

Before we get into the tip, let’s understand how the driver works. The driver has a large head, a long shaft, and a low loft angle, making it the most challenging club to control. However, the tip we are about to share is based on physics, making it simple to follow.

The tip is to use a two-knuckle neutral grip to hit the driver straight. The two-knuckle neutral grip is when you place your left thumb and index finger on the club, and the “V” they create should point towards your right shoulder. This grip helps to keep the clubface square to the target, which is crucial for accuracy.


The Arm Movement

Now that you have the right grip, it’s time to focus on the arm movement. When the lead arm is extended, the face is square, and the arm is stretched out during strokes to ensure a square face. To hit the driver straight, the arm should stretch out every time to square the face. It’s a common mistake to bend the lead arm during a swing or follow-through. That will result in an incorrect angle of the clubface, which makes the ball deflect away from the target.

The Importance Of Hitting The Driver Straight

Hitting the driver straight is crucial because playing from the fairway is easier than playing from the rough. When you hit the driver straight, you gain more distance and better control of the ball during your next shot. Golfers who can hit the driver straight are more likely to perform better than those who can’t.

Body Swing Book And Video Series

If you want to learn more about the mechanics behind the perfect golf swing, you should check out the Body Swing book and video series. This series has become famous for providing golfers with a step-by-step guide to building a powerful, effortless, and pain-free golf swing.


By using the two-knuckle neutral grip and correct arm movement, hitting the driver straight is possible. Remember, hitting the driver straight is all about consistency and practice. Keep practicing the proper grip and arm movement, and you’ll master the driver with time.


  1. What Is The Two-Knuckle Neutral Grip?
    The two-knuckle neutral grip is when your left thumb and index finger create a “V” point toward your right shoulder, keeping the clubface square to the target.

  2. Why Is Hitting The Driver Straight Essential?
    Hitting the driver straight is essential because it helps to improve distance and control in the game of golf.

  3. Why Is The Driver Considered The Most Challenging Club To Master?
    The driver is considered the most challenging club to master because of its long shaft, large head, and low loft angle.

  4. What Is The Body Swing Book And Video Series?
    The Body Swing book and video series provide a step-by-step guide to building a powerful, effortless, and pain-free golf swing.

  5. How Can I Improve My Golf Game?
    Improving your golf game requires consistency, practice, and dedication to learning the proper techniques and form to master the sport.

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