In this video Brian answers questions from 3 golfers:
Steven Farmer (Edinburgh, Scotland): It seems to me that your shoulders turn level, I’ve seen instructors (I know, paralysis by analysis!) advocate turning the left shoulder down towards the right foot turn with side bend. What are your thoughts about this?
Steve (Florida, USA): Hi Brian, I enjoy your weekly discussions–practical, informative and helpful.
A question– could you address the problem of hitting behind the ball with all clubs (even driver😢).
Thanks for your help–stay safe
Alan Embleton (N.E. England): At the end of the season I bought a Cleveland 60 degree lob wedge. It is cavity backed and has a graphite shaft and is a thing of beauty. With playing off mats through the winter I have not used it much. But because of the inconsistent shots I am a little nervous of it. Sometimes the ball has a perfect trajectory and stops dead. Other times it flies low along the ground for about 80 yards. Other times it hardly moves. I struggle to find an answer to this lack of consistency. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Watch Brian talking about the links between these questions and how to achieve the most comfortable shoulder turn and hit great lob shots.
Improve Your Shoulder Turn & Hit Better Lob Shots