I burn Callaways not Calories 😂

Golf Tips to Improve Your Short Game in Golf

Lowering your scores in golf can be accomplished by improving your short game. Make no mistake about it, this is one area that can change your game with just a little practice. There are more shots lost inside of 100 meters, than anywhere else on the golf course. Shave 5 strokes or more off your game without having to change your entire game.

Low Cost Golfing Products

In case you are a newbie at golf, you ought to be weary of slipping in to the trap with forking out shed loads of money for getting the best equipment along with the best add-ons. There are many affordable golf sets in existence and you will not have a problem discovering them, particularly throughout the winter. If you’re happy to play with used golf sets, then you are able to save lots of funds.

Used Golf Clubs You Can Have Now

In the game of golf, you will need the best clubs. But you need not to spend for new ones all the time. You have to realize that there are used golf clubs that you can buy from the market too. The tips mentioned will guide you for sure to look for the best ones.

A Set Of Golf Clubs As A Gift For Him

You may give gift certificates if you really have to no idea on what to give. The tips mentioned will surely help you buy the best gift for as golfer. The tips mentioned will surely help. You need to remember them all the time to have the best guide. These will surely guide you well.

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Fit Golf Clubs For A Lady Like You

A lady like you needs to have the best tools and accessories for golf. Golf clubs are some of the most important that you need to prioritize. In buying the clubs, you will need to be guided well. The tips will surely help you bug time so you have to keep them in mind.

Golf Gear For Kids In The Market

There are various things that you need to remember in order for you to get the best of golf for a junior player like your child. The tips will guide you on how to choose well. Keep the tips in mind all the time to have a guide.

Searching for the Perfect Golf Swing Part 3: Commitment Plans – Execution Element III

Most golfers in search of the perfect golf swing realize how important the driving of the golf ball is to the execution element of their golfing commitment plan.  Driving the ball with that huge #1 metal club accounts for less than 20% of the shots taken by a professional golfer and much less than that by most amateurs.

How to Hit a Golf Ball Farther – Golf Distance Tips

Are you looking for ways of how to hit a golf ball farther? If so, you are not alone. Countless players have been on the same quest before you and have offered a number of tips when it comes to golf distance. These golf distance tips are perfect for any golfer who is looking to add more distance to their shots.

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How to Drive a Golf Ball Straight and Far

Practice makes perfect as we have all been told. What one must remember though is that practice is only effective if you are performing the action correctly in the first place. If you are not driving the golf ball straight every time and you keep practicing your swing the same way, you are never going to get better. First you need to learn how to drive a golf ball straight and then you need to practice. Once you have mastered this, your ball will travel further every time.

Tips For Your Backswing In Golf

A backswing in golf should be made as short as possible. This should be done in order to effectively play the game of golf. To achieve this, there are some swing tips for golf guidelines to be followed. Firstly, the golfer’s shoulders should have a ninety degree rotation…

Tips For Your Golfing Slice

The golfing slice occurs when the ball curves in a left to right fashion across the sky. A spin in a clockwise direction causes the ball to make this movement. The player therefore should avoid swinging the ball more to the left as this causes it to spin clockwise…

A Few Great Golf Tips To Improve Your Performance

Some people will always welcome good golf tips that will help them to make difficult shots. Every golf player will at some point wonder if they will be to make a certain shot, for this reason the following paragraphs will reveal several tips to help make those difficult shots. Assess the line that the club will traverse. If you take several practice shots, it is possible to figure out the line that your club will traverse after you strike the ball.

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