How to Turn A FADE into A DRAW! Practice Session Breakdown

In the game of golf, being able to shape your shots can give you a significant advantage on the course. One of those shot shapes is a draw – a shot that bends from right to left for a right-handed golfer. However, if you typically hit a fade – a shot that bends from left to right for a right-handed golfer – turning it into a draw can be a challenge. But fear not – with some practice and focused exercises, you can learn how to turn your fade into a draw. In this post, we’ll break down a practice session that can help you achieve this goal. So grab your clubs and let’s get started!

How to Turn A FADE into A DRAW! Practice Session Breakdown


Golf is a challenging sport that requires perseverance, patience, and precision. One of the most popular shots in golf is the draw, which is when the ball flight curves from right to left for right-handed players. However, some players tend to hit a fade or a slice, which is when the ball curves from left to right for right-handed players. In this article, we will discuss a practice session breakdown that focuses on turning a fade into a draw.

Segmenting Different Aspects of the Swing

As with any practice session, it’s important to segment different aspects of the swing. We will start by focusing on the takeaway, setup, and swing path. The takeaway needs to be wider than normal to avoid steepness through the transition and create an over the top swing. A wider takeaway also promotes a more stable setup and posture at the top of the backswing.

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In-To-Out Swing Path

The next step is to work on shallowing out the swing by having an in-to-out swing path. An in-to-out swing path helps the clubface close more effectively through impact, generating a draw shot. This is achieved by rotating the hips and ensuring that the clubhead stays on a shallower plane coming down.

Upper Body Rotation

To generate the draw shot, upper body rotation is crucial. The player needs to focus on turning their body towards the target on the downswing, propelling the clubhead on the desired path. It’s important to maintain good posture and balance throughout the swing.

Stronger Grip

Another key aspect of generating the draw shot is having a stronger grip with the right thumb and palm through impact. This helps to close down the clubface and generate the draw. It’s important not to overdo the grip strength, as it can lead to a hook shot or other swing issues.

Practice and Experimentation

It takes practice and experimentation to achieve meaningful change in the golf swing. The player needs to focus on these key areas and work on them consistently. It’s also important to experiment with different grip strengths, swing paths, and upper body rotation to find what works best for them.

Call to Action

The video ends with a call to action to subscribe to the Scratch Golf Tips YouTube channel for more swing analysis and general golf instruction.


  1. How long does it take to turn a fade into a draw?

Ans. It depends on the player’s current skill level, commitment to practice, and ability to implement the changes. It can take anywhere from weeks to months to see significant improvement.

  1. Is an in-to-out swing path essential for generating a draw shot?
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Ans. Yes, an in-to-out swing path is crucial for generating a draw shot. It ensures that the clubface closes effectively through impact, promoting a right-to-left ball flight.

  1. Can a stronger grip cause swing issues?

Ans. Yes, a stronger grip can cause hook shots and other swing issues if overdone. It’s important to find the right balance for the player’s swing.

  1. Can upper body rotation compensate for a weak grip?

Ans. While upper body rotation is crucial for generating a draw shot, a weak grip can still lead to a fade or a slice. It’s important to have both elements working together for the desired ball flight.

  1. Does the practice session breakdown from the article work for left-handed players too?

Ans. Yes, the same practice session breakdown applies to left-handed players. However, the swing path will be in the opposite direction (left-to-right for right-to-left ball flight).