How to pass G2 or G driving test. Parallel Parking. Parallel Parking Steps:
1) “Choose your spot & signal appropriately.”

2) (After we see the car drive up to the other car that will be in front of it when parked) “Align your mirror to the adjacent car, leaving appx. 2 feet of space.”

3) “Shift the gear to Reverse, & steer the wheel 360º to the right.”

4) (After we see the driver look into the rear-view mirror)
“Ensure your path & blind spots are clear.”

“Turn & look out the back window when reversing.”
“Turn & look out the back window.”
(Driver begins to reverse)

6) (After we see the driver reversing a little bit)
“Stop when the back bumper of the adjacent car is visible in the passenger window.”

7) “Steer the wheel 360º to the left & reverse, completing your parking.”

8) “If needed, straighten the wheel & drive forward to get into a better position.”

9) “Finally, straighten the steering wheel, shift the gear to Neutral, and apply your emergency break.”

10) “Before exiting, check for pedestrians, bikers, & other vehicles to avoid injury.”

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