How Rick Shiels REALLY reviews golf clubs

Free Golf Tips – Effective Putting Drill

Putting is probably the most important skill to master if you are going to improve your golf game. Yet, most amateur golfers spend very little time practicing. I would like to share with you one of my most effective putting drills.

How to Correctly Lift the Golf Ball

You will find a dramatic decrease in your scores if you are able to consistently do one thing better on the golf course: get as much lift as you can on your golf shot. So, while that is important, let’s first address two topics; why will this decrease my scores and what caused the ball to get its loft?

Visualize Your Hand Position at Impact to Improve Golf Swing Timing and Increase Golf Distance

Many golfers lose distance potential because they release their hands too early on the downswing causing a weak impact position on contact with the ball. This article gives you a simple exercise that shows you the position for your hands as well as allowing you to establish the feel of the correct impact position for solid ball striking.

History of Callaway Golf Company

One company, which has been in the spotlight of golf for many years, is Callaway Golf. How many golfers actually know that Callaway Golf started out as the Hickory Stick Company?

Tips For Perfecting Your Golf Swing

If you want to be an excellent golfer, you must practice your golf swing (the action of hitting the golf ball) to perfection. In other words, you need to learn the basics and put them into constant practice until you master them. This article gives you great tips to do that.

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Do I Need Custom Golf Club Fitting?

Do I need custom club fitting? Q: I am only an average golfer – why should I need custom-fitted clubs? A: You need custom-fitted clubs because: 1. Custom-fitted clubs are tuned to your playing ability and swing so that your energy or lack there-of is efficiently utilized by the golf club to improve your game. 2. Once clubs are fitted properly, a golfer can concentrate their effort on improving the golf swing, therefore, for total game improvement. Many golfers, especially those who are less experienced, greatly misunderstand the entire concept of custom golf clubs. They may think that custom clubs are reserved for either the expert golfer, or the golfer with a high budget for golf equipment. They couldn’t be further from the truth in either case.

Tips on How to Improve The Short Game In Five Easy Steps

Just about anything which is really worth doing will require more than just a single step to accomplish. Most rewarding projects take time, require a number of actions plus consistent effort. To ensure success it is important to ready yourself well, set clear objectives, work effectively and persevere.

Meditation For Golf – It Works!

Golf is so much more than just a simple game. Sure, technique comes into it but there’s so much more. It’s often way too easy to allow other things to get inbetween you, the ball and the tiny hole hundreds of yards away. Which is why the right mindset is an essential part of playing golf.

A Recreational Golfer’s Practice Plan
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There’s no way around it. To become a better golfer, or even to maintain your skills, a golfer has to practice. But with family, job, and competing interests, where do you fit it in? Here’s a way to practice essential golf skills in the time you have.

Golf Tips for Beginners – Buying the Right Golf Clubs

One of the best golf tips for beginners is to make sure you are buying the right golf clubs. In the beginning of any golfer’s adventure, choosing golf clubs is daunting task. There are all those commercials that suggest this brand or are the best club on the market.

A Smart Golf Caddy For Your Smart Phone?

The time has arrived for the 21st Century golfer who wants sophisticated training capabilities in the palm of his or her hand! Apple has undoubtedly started something special with these devices. And now anyone who has a Smart iPhone also has access to a smart golf caddy right in their pocket!

The GPS Golf Buddy Plus Review

As GPS Systems become more and more popular, there are new units being introduced to the market each and every year. The GPS Golf Buddy has become one of the more popular designs on the market and there is good reason for it.

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