How 99% of Golfers SABOTAGE Their Swings

Correcting Your Golf Slice Can Be Easier Than You Think

Slicing the golf ball is a common flaw for most golfers. The good news is that fixing that slice can be corrected with some simple analysis. Once the area of weakness is identified one can correct it and begin hitting the golf ball straighter immediately.

Quick and Easy Tune Up for Your Golf Game to Hit the Ball Farther With Laser Like Accuracy

Spring is in the air, and that can only mean that the Masters golf tournament and the opening of the golf season is almost upon us. With the winter layoff, unless your one of the lucky ones that live in a warm weather winter climate. it’s time to blow off the dust and get ready to play golf.

A Nice Gift For A Golf Fan

Giving a gift to someone is such a good way to express your appreciation for that person. It is one way of showing how you value him. But surely, it is not easy to choose among the gifts that you will find in the market especially if you really do not know what makes him happy as always.

Does Golf Grip Pressure Impact Your Shots?

Whether you use the Overlap Grip, the Interlock Grip, or the ten finger grip your grip pressure should remain the same. In other words, it should be soft enough to feel the club but not too hard to where you squeeze the life out of the golf club.

The Golf Revolution Is Upon Us
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Remember when golf was just a past-time? However, to this day the origin of golf is unknown and unclear. Golf originally spread from Scotland into the rest of the United Kingdom and then to the British Empire and eventually to the United States of America during the late 19th century.

Golf Bag Buying Guide – What Type Of Bag Is Right For You?

Choosing the right bag may not directly improve your game, but it can definitely make your golfing experience more comfortable. However, finding the right golf bag among hundreds and hundreds of options can be a daunting task. The first step is to narrow down your options by bag type. This article will help you determine which one of the three types of golf bags (carry/stand bags, cart bags, or staff bags) best matches your needs.

Gear For Golf That Kids Can Use

Help your kid to excel in his passion which is golf. Make sure that he has all the things that he needs for the sport. The tips will guide you on what items to choose for him to have the best gear. Keep those in mind all the time.

As You Prepare For Golf Lessons

It is very important that you are always prepared for your golf lessons. The tools and equipment must be prepared as well as your mental and physical well being. The tips will help you do it right so you need to follow them to have a guide.

Accessories To Play Golf Indoors

Playing golf is one way that you can relax your mind and escape from your hectic and busy life. Seeing the green backdrop and beautiful landscape will surely help in calming the tension that you feel inside. But sometimes, you really do not have time to go into faraway golf courses to enjoy the game of golf. But for an avid golf fan like you, you do have some ways for you to be able to play the sport even at home. Indoor golf is such a nice idea for sure. What you need to do is to buy the accessories and equipment needed to play the game well indoors. There are some tips that will guide you on what to pick for this activity.

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Info About Golf Tournaments

Whether you’re a beginner or an average golfer, one of your aims is to see how the pros play and going to a professional golf tour is the way to do it. Many golfers are content to watch the live action on TV but it doesn’t have the same impact as being able to watch it live. Walking around the course following the pros, seeing how they interact with the spectators and seeing how they handle the pressure playing in a major golf tournament, can give you lots of valuable information to carry through to your own game.

Hit the Golf Ball Straight By Having a Sound Grip

Hitting the golf ball straight is the key to playing good golf. Recreational golfers try to emulate professional golfers by building a swing that enables straight ball flight. There’s a place, though, that you have to look at before you consider the swing if you want to hit a ball that heads for the fairway or flies into the green.

There’s No Crying in Tennis – Wait Just Like in Golf, Maybe There Is?!

At the Sony Ericsson Open in Key Biscayne, Florida, during the quarter-finals, Spanish tennis player David Ferrer was losing in his match to American Mardy Fish. While the match was going on, a baby in the stands began to cry. And cry.

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