CAN’T Create CONSISTENCY – Golf Swing Lesson

Breaking 80 in the Game of Golf

Breaking 80 is one of the hardest to learn in golf, but one need not get frustrated. There are ways to make this step easier. One of the main things to remember is to be confident and to maintain the enthusiasm for the game despite the many challenges that go along with it.

How to Hit Iron – Some Basics You Should Take Note Of

Golf is a game played first in the mind and then executed. By being able to visualize and empower the imagination you can be in sync with game and would be able to produce better shots as a result. This is no different from learning how to hit irons the right way.

Designer Golf Clothing

Golf apparel has undertaken a complete revamp in the last decade, gone are the days of plus fours, wooly jumpers and high socks. Golf is no longer seen as a sport for old retired men. Thanks mostly to the emergence of some exciting young (male and female) stars the sponsorship they receive from major world sports and designer brands. The last decade brought the emergence of a true golfing great backed by one of the world’s leading sports brands almost from the moment he hit the golfing scene.

Golf Practice Nets – 5 Ways They Can Increase Driving Distance and Benefit Your Overall Game

Golf practice nets can easily increase driving distance off the tee, lower golf scores and benefit your overall game. Here’s how…

5 Advantages to Ordering Golf Balls Online
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As online shopping becomes a larger part of our lives, one area that all golfers should look at is the advantages to ordering golf balls online. It is an item that doesn’t have to be “tried on”, and with numerous product reviews ordering golf balls online can be almost foolproof in getting exactly what you want in a golf ball. I always order my golf balls online, as well as golf gloves and other accessories, and I have come up with five advantages.

Hit the Golf Ball Straight With Your Left Hand

The left hand (right hand, for left-handed golfers) is a mirror of your clubface. Where it is aligned, so is the clubface. Hitting the golf ball straight requires that you make correct use of your left hand.

Tips on How to Hit Golf Ball Straight

Golf is a game of mastery, but just like in any endeavor a person would only be successful once they learn to love the game. Loving the game means taking the time to learn how one can be better at it every time one plays it.

Learn How to Hit Fairway Woods

A lot of golf players are puzzled as to how they can hit fairway woods, mastering this technique is part of mastering the game and becoming more efficient at it. In order for one to hit fairway woods they need to make sure that the position of the ball is correct. The ball position would play a major part in your success. The ball needs to be placed about 2 inches behind the left heel if you are a right hand player. This positioning is enough to allow the ball to propel forward and ensures that it will have a solid contact.

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Making Golf Fun For Kids

Everyone has been there before, being a kid can be tough, and learning something needs to be fun. Golfing is no different. Teaching kids to golf is a task in itself, so making sure they are having fun will not only make it easier on the instructor, but it will also ensure that the kids are willing to stick with the program to become good golfers.

Gently Used Golf Balls Save Money and Time

Buying used golf balls saves money over buying new ones. Gently loved equipment is usually not of lower quality, they were simply found by the golf course staff and may have only been hit one or two times. That means you can get comparable quality golf balls for a fraction of the price.

Taylormade R11 Driver – The Facts

The Taylormade R11 driver became available in February 2011 so is the very latest model driver from Taylormade. Their drivers have always been very popular and I’m sure this will be no exception with the new technology and innovation in the R11 driver.

Fixing a Golf Shank – How to Get Your Swing Back on the Straight and Narrow

Oh no! Not the dreaded lateral again. The shank is a golf swing flaw that will rear its ugly head every now and then. If you are consistently fighting the shank, there are three things you can do to fix it.

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