GOLF: The Missing Link To Perfect Wrist Conditions

The Missing Link To Perfect Wrist Conditions

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In this video I want to talk about how your grip goes along with your wrist conditions in the golf swing.

The main issue with a cupped left wrist or lead wrist is that it causes the clubface to get too open. When I make a backswing with a neutral grip and I cup my left wrist early, it opens the face too much. If I cup it too much at the top, that’s going to open the face as well. If I have my wrist cupped in transition, that’s not only going to make my club face open, but it’s also going to be too steep during the downswing.

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I would rather you say I’m going to fix that by keeping my grip the same and flattening out or bowing my left wrist so that it will match up. But, if you have been trying to make your conditions better and it’s not working or you are physically are not able to do it, there is another way to fix the issue.

If I take my left-hand grip and I just make it stronger – or turn it more clockwise on the grip – It fixes an open club face. You are allowed to have a cupped left wrist throughout your swing if, and probably only if you have a strong left-hand grip. If you’ve been trying to fix that wrist issue forever and haven’t been able to do it, look at this as an option.

What your wrist conditions should be is based on where the clubface is in space and the pitch of the shaft. If I have a weak left-hand grip, which is my hand is turned too far counterclockwise on the club, I need to flex or bow my left wrist a bunch to square the clubface. If you’re unable to get the club face square with that weak grip, you either have to add more bow or strengthen the grip

If I have a neutral grip, I just can have normal, flat left wrist everywhere throughout my swing.

if you do go the stronger grip route and you have some cup and you leave the cup in there, you may have a little bit of a steeper downswing angle from there. That’s just something to keep in mind.

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If you have a cupped left wrist at any point in your golf swing and you have not been able to fix it, it may very well be a lot easier for you to just strengthen your grip and leave the cupped wrist alone.


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