Golf Swing Impact: Stop Swinging Over The Top

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In this tip I am talking about impact and how you can stop coming over the top. At impact, the lengths of both of my legs throughout the golf swing at not the same. When you are set up to the golf ball, the flex in both legs are equal. When you go to hit the golf ball, you are using your legs and hips to hit the ball and this makes you turn your body. As soon as you turn, your lead leg will start to straighten or get longer when you’re hitting the golf ball. This help to tilt you behind the ball which eliminates the over the top swing.

You want to be using your legs and hips to hit the golf ball. When you do this you are using your lower body properly. All top golfers are using their legs and hips to hit the golf ball. You can think about this the next time you are hitting the golf ball. What length are your legs at contact with the ball. Are they the same length or is the lead leg longer.

Try this thought the next time you are hitting the golf ball. Start to use your legs and hips to hit the golf ball and this way you will start to use the bigger power source to hit the ball. Ask yourself the simple question; what leg is longer when hitting the golf ball? Is it your lead leg or are both the same length. Start using your legs and hips to hit the golf ball.

See also  Golf Swing Too Upright?

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