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Ted Norby, Director of Instruction for the National University Golf Academy, explains how to improve your golf putting technique by studying how your golf ball rolls. To discuss this golf tip with other golfers and share your own, leave a comment below. We look forward to your feedback.
I’m Ted Norby, Director of Instruction for the National University Golf Academy. In putting, what we really want to do is get the ball to roll. If I can’t get the ball to roll very well [there’s] no chance to see if I’ve read the putt right, distance control is really difficult. The easiest way to know whether I’m rolling the ball or not is to draw a stripe on the ball. There are a lot of companies out there that are making these cups that you can put on the ball and with a sharpie you can draw a line on the equator. Once I’ve got that line, I can set it on the ground, and if I can get that line to stay solid as I hit a putt, I know that I’m not catching it with a glancing blow. I know that it’s not skidding off of that club face. So once I get this stripe on the ball, I’ll know whether I’m rolling the ball well. So after you get this stripe on the ball, go ahead and set it on the ground, and hit a couple putts.
If I’ve got this stripe on the ball, and I open the clubface or cut across it, that ball is going to come off and it’s going to spin. I hit that ball pretty hard but it really didn’t go very far. But if I setup and I get that ball to roll, and that’s going to be working on your mechanics with your instructor, whether you have to get your hands forward or feel more of an arch or more straight back, straight through mechanically I really don’t care what your thought processes are as long as that ball rolls.
So square the club face up, get the ball to roll on line, and you can see I didn’t even feel that I hit that as hard but the ball clearly traveled farther and a little bit straighter.
Get the ball to roll, get that stripe on the ball to start rolling end over end, ball will stay on line, you’ll make more putts.
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