Golf Posture Modification To Prevent Back Pain & Increase Driving Distance

Here is a video of a Golf Professional who came to see me regarding low back pain and also looking to improve his ability to drive further.
Make sure you check out our Golf Performance Coaching Program here as I explain in great detail how we helped this Pro to change his address position
The video on the left is his swing when we first met him and the swing on the right is what it was like after 4-5 months of training.
The left address posture is known in the golf world as C-Posture and is assosciated with all types of back, neck and shoulder pain.
The C-posture is seen when your shoulders and upper back are hunched forward when addressing the ball. There can be many causes to this position but it is generally the result of a lack of mobility in the upper back (thoracic spine), tightness through the chest and shoulders, and weak or inhibited muscles in your back extensor muscles. The bowed or bent spine posture is becoming extremely common in all sports but more so in the golfing world. This set-up position is called a C-posture, because it looks like the golfer forms a “C” when viewed from the side. Due to the fact that many of us are sitting hunched over a computer for a good part of the day, both at work and when we get home.
We attempted to correct his address position using stretches, stability and strength training.
Lastly incorporating the swing within the session to help his brain co-ordinate the change to his movement pattern
As you can see he is hitting rubber balls inside our Personal Training Studio which makes our Golf Program so unique and different to the normal gym setting
Make sure you check out Dan’s testimonial video here
Other great articles to read are below

See also  Does Golf Grip Size Matter? | Testing Different Grip Sizes

Please watch: “6 Great Thoracic Drills and Stability Exercises” as this by far one of the most important videos we have made in recent times and an area most people are unfamiliar with


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