Golf Club Release Drill

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Golf Club Release Drill

This is a simple drill for you guys to be doing to get rid of any sort of chicken wing and help you get pure strikes with your irons. When you set up to the golf ball your arms and the golf club should look like a letter “Y” then when you get into the backswing your wrists should hinge and make a backwards letter “L”. Then you want to repeat this when hitting the golf ball and into the half way through swing.

Keep doing this and your arms will start extending and make the letter Y. Most golfers I see end up with a chicken wing when hitting the golf ball, this is when your arms start buckling at contact and just after contact with the golf ball. If you start stretching out your arms then you will start to get rid of the chicken wing and start hitting better golf shots.

All better players I see do not have chicken wings. Their arms are all stretched out when they are making contact with the golf ball. This will get better strikes with your irons, start taking divots and increase your swing arc. Try this drill and incorporate it when you are practicing and you will see a dramatic improvement to your irons strikes.

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