Golf Backswing Tips: How to Create a Proper Backswing Plane in Golf | The One Handed Club Path Drill

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Doug Diemer shows how to setup a proper golf backswing every time using the One Handed Club Path Drill. To discuss this golf tip with other golfers and share your own leave a comment below. We look forward to your feedback.

Dialog from the Video

Hi my name is Doug and I’m here to talk about how the club wants to work for you and your golf swing provided that it’s in a good position in your backswing. Now what I’m going to do, hopefully you notice here, first of all, that I’ve setup a target track. Notice that these two alignments aids are perfectly parallel and that they’re pointing in the direction of my target. Now what I’m going to do is that I’m going to take my normal excellent setup with my full grip and I’m going to remove my left hand.

Now from here, I’m going to going to show you a couple of golf swings in bad position, and I’m going to show you the result. So first, after taking my excellent golf posture, I’m going to swing the club back too vertical. And what’s noticeable about his position is that the club is extremely light, the butt of the club is pointed down pretty close to my toes and as I allow my right arm to swing forward, what you’ll notice is that this club wants to move forward in a particular manner. So I’m going to allow my right arm to swing forward and as centrifugal force and gravity take over this club wants to swing across this target track from out to in.

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Now I’m going to show you another position. I’m going to swing this club where it is very late offer flat. Notice that the butt of the club is pointed somewhere out in to space, the club is EXTREMELY heavy in my hand, and as I allow my right arm to swing forward and gravity and centrifugal force take over, this club wants to swing across this track from out to in.

Now fortunately there’s an ideal position. It’s the one that allows the club to hit a straight and true shot, because it only makes sense to me, if I want to hit a ball that flies straight and true, I need this club not to work across this track but right down this track. And it’s a very simple position to find. Here, hopefully you can see that the butt of my club is pointed at or just inside the ball and as you can see here, as I let my right arm swing forward, the club wants to work right up and down the track. Now I have to hold onto the club, or I have to grip the club, hard enough to hang onto it but not so hard that I don’t allow my wrist to unhinge.

It actually works so well that, if my eyes were closed, and I swung my club back in to a very, very good position here, with my eyes closed, if I let my right arm swing forward and let the natural, unhinging of my right hand take place I can hit a straight and true shot.

See also  Develop a consistent golf swing the fast way. Guaranteed improvement.

As it turns out the phrase “Let the club work for you” is actually true.


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