Even Ben Hogan Could Have Been Better With Moe Norman’s Golf Swing

Even Ben Hogan could have been better with Moe Norman’s golf swing. That’s right as good as Ben Hogan was, if he would have known Moe’s secrets to simplicity, one of the best ball-strikers in the game could have been even better.

Ben Hogan’s book, The Five Fundamentals, is one of the best books ever written. The insights of Mr. Hogan are definitive and precise. But there are a few things he missed – mainly, that he could have simplified his address position to make impact even easier.

In this video I discuss Hogan’s teaching and with scientific explanations, describe how Moe Norman’s swing mechanics could have eliminated the need for rotation and supination – making even the great Ben Hogan more consistent.

To find out more about all of the great instruction to help you transform your game, please visit www.moenormangolf.com or www.singleplaneacademy.com for personal instruction.

To order my best selling book you can go here:

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#SinglePlaneSwing #MoeNorman #GravesGolf #SinglePlane

If you are interested in the training aids:

Alignment and Ball Position Trainer (ABT) – Right Handed:

Alignment and Ball Position Trainer (ABT) – Left Handed:

Feeling of Greatness Training Club:

Promo Code: YOUTUBE20 for 20%

Single Plane Trainer:

Leverage Bag:

See also  GPR golf swing 2 left handed

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