Driver Solid Irons with Core

If you want solid shots from the fairway, let’s make sure you are engaging your core—your pelvic region— to drive the swing. I see too many players drive the swing with only their arms and shoulders, leaving the core and legs in the dust. I share a great drill that’s a bit challenging, but fun. With this drill, you’ll REALLY FEEL your core engage. It’s an awesome golf drill to groove solid golf shots. So, let’s get to it.


I want you to get More Pars! Get access now to my More Pars Training (free) – 7 Steps to Create Real Change in Your Golf Game. Buckle your seat belts folks, this is a game-changing More Pars Training!

This training is for all players and skill levels that are truly passionate and committed to real change in their golf game. This training is for those that want to accelerate their golf learning, whether brand new or single digits. Are you ready for more pars? All you need to do is take action. The link to get access is posted in the first comment. Hope to see you all there.

CHRISTINA RICCI IS LPGA CLASS A, TITLEIST PERFORMANCE INSTITUTE GOLF LEVEL 3 PERFORMANCE COACH AND A BEST-SELLING GOLF AUTHOR. Christina took up the game in 2000 and quickly dropped to a 5 handicap in 5 short years. She published her first book A Girl’s On-Course Survival Guide to Golf in 2008 and never looked back. She currently has 4 books and her popular golf tips are featured on her YouTube Channel, national publications, online women’s portals such as and LPGA Women’s Network and The Golf Channel.

See also  Beginner Golf Swing Basics - 3 Shortcut Concepts & Drills

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