Chipping Contests at Your Charity Golf Fundraiser | Perfect Golf Event

Paul Courter, COO of Perfect Golf Event, discusses chipping contests – just one of the ways to generate revenue before tee-off at your golf fundraiser.

Paul has massive experience in running successful golf charity events. Please let us know if we can help,

Perfect Golf Event provides tournament-tested tools for a more successful golf event. These tools allow the user to set up a custom event website in minutes and begin promoting a golf event. This is the perfect solution for event organizers managing a fundraising or corporate golf event.

Perfect Golf Event is positioned to help golf events raise more money and have a more successful event.

Less than 5% of golf events have a website!

Create a custom event website in minutes, upload lists and invite players and sponsors to register online, with tools to promote the event on Facebook and Twitter and even accept online donations.

Shop our Tournament Shop for unique Hole-in-One contests, Million Dollar Shots, Putting and Long Drive contests, Players Gifts, Prizes, Awards, Signs and Banners – all customized for your event.

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