Can I beat Rickie Fowler if I start 10 under par? (Stroke play)

In this video Golf YouTuber Rick Shiels takes on 9 x Tour Winner RICKIE FOWLER at Medalist Golf Club in Jupiter Florida. The same golf course golfers like Tiger Woods, Brooks Keopka and many more call home


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Hi I’m Rick Shiels, welcome to my channel RickShielsPGAGolf. This YouTube channel is designed to help you play better golf, also to help you enjoy your golf more!

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Foreign Guys Welcome to a special video today as you Can see I'm here in the USA Jupiter At one of the most exclusive golf clubs In the world medalist the home of some Of the best players that have ever Played this game A wall of them Is right there today I'm going to go and Play medalist and do a 10 shot challenge Where I start 10 on the par And Ricky Fowler The man himself we're gonna go head to Head he's gonna start at level par I'm Going to start telling the part I've Done this video so far with Adam Scott Lee Westwood Tommy Fleetwood I'm yet to Win Okay Today because this golf course this is The home of Ricky Powell first off and a Few of the big names including a certain Tiger Woods a certain brush capka and Several others it's one of the most Beautiful places I've been in my life But I've been told the golf course is Outrageously hard Without further ado Rick Shields versus Ricky Fowler Let's do this right Ricky thanks for This pal yeah first on thanks Out let us come down here and film I Mean it's this honestly we spent all

Morning here we just done a podcast make Sure you check it out I think it's heaven on Earth it's a good Place it really is now however that Might change right now because we're Just about to head on the golf course And the first hole is a 500 yard Par Four yeah we're giving you the the full Treatment but making sure you get to see All of it here today how's that we see All of it Um the concept's simple I'm just I'm now At 10 on the par okay Your level power got it stroke play 18 Holes Now this is your home course and I saw In the in the men's locker room you've Got a scorecard on the wall there that Says 62. That happened one day it doesn't happen Every day well genuinely now what would You be happy to shoot around here today Um I don't know somewhere I put over under I'd like 67. Yeah Okay Um I would like I would like somewhere Down there but that's no guarantee I Would like that somewhere down there I'm Going to yeah I'm going to try my best And get through this uh we've just been Practicing the range is perfect uh you

Were hitting it great I was actually Surprising myself and hitting it quite Nicely the greens are rapid they're nice Right now rapid Um I'm gonna go for it how long is the Course off these teas that we're playing Somewhere in the 76 or 77 maybe so 7 700 yards let's do it right all right First hole Par Four straight down play Well Ricky do we get like two or three Off the first but breakfast balls at two O'clock in the afternoon yeah we might I Might need it so Um the carry just the carry alone on This First Tee is 275 yards to reach not Even the Fairway just to get over all of This kind of waste area Oh baby What a start I want to start I wish I hit it like that on every First Tee is that is that easy over Yeah I didn't have to worry about that One you know I asked that question Really right Let's first Seas go this is right up There at one of the possibly the hardest I've played however I'll tell them the Par playing well Center of the face center of the face Wait Oh I've sent it with left What's over there Ricky there is an Opening area well we can hit one just in

Case do you think it's cleared the Actual waste area or not You told me to reload aren't you it's Debatable because it gets a little Longer over there to reload already I Actually hit that well as well That's it provisional That's the hardest opening t-shirt ever Right Okay We got lucky first one has actually Carried it's finished in the Wasteland Here just on the side Thank God because that could have become Very very embarrassing it could have Been a very big score to kick things off Ricky's telling me that I've got what 200 odd yards from here Somewhere around there Over over the trees probably probably a Layup yeah That's honestly got to be one of the Most intimidating first holes ever in The world Okay Let's get it back in play Yeah good one should be right Okay we're off All right we've got uh Ended up with a nice drive got 190 in A little bit of help so I should be I'm just betting a stock seven iron Stay right Look good for distance yeah just pulled

Okay 73 yards third shot is his first Hole uh just the whole place looks Incredible I mean the bunkering the Greens look phenomenal Fairways are tight Let's see if we can clip one in there Spinard Right there Oh stay on stay just off the back though Oh Wow okay This could well be an absolute Demolishing around here today I think About this it's a golf course like this This one that you need to know very well Wow Greens honestly bit like glass So unbelievably fast I'm just off the back of the green Another yard it had been down the hill And far away I actually thought I played That nicely I just didn't get the grip I was hoping For Ricky like a true professional hits it Pin High coming across the green here Now it's like downhill Reach reach Uh honestly when that got to halfway I Gave it a little too much even close Yeah nice work good far they get they Get quick down the hills that was fast Right For the most likely Fall

Down the hill right to left I am literally just trying to Nestle it Up to the hole Stay All right yeah it's not okay too bad I'll knock it in Oh Rick what are you doing Oh I don't like to make it for the Interesting Christ almighty the greens Are getting to him early that is Stupid silly mistake Right double bogey For me Ricky Parr I'll read these claw Two back This could be a very long So you see the bunker kind of straight Away through the Fairway yeah it's about 3 10 to that okay and then as you go Right of that the face of the bunker It's going to be about 270 carry Over there so straight down up yeah from The hole goes up to the right there okay Perfect Oh soft Be close it was a little left over I Wanted to hit it It looked pretty good to me right You said it in the podcast Sometimes Ricky you've got to step up And man up and yeah and hit hit There's no trouble all I see is that Away Yeah Beauty all I see is Fairway let's Go Perfect yeah that felt better

All right Ricky obviously this golf Course the length is one thing that's Challenging what else what else do I Need to know about it well it's It's kind of always got like the Opposite it it's a little more visual Intimidating there's more room than it Looks okay Um there'll be a handful of Fairways This as well as the laughs that they Look tighter than they really are okay Um so getting over not that part of it Just knowing that okay there's more room Than it looks so it's more of a mental Challenge I suppose you know obviously played it Hundreds of times you'll know that there Is a bit more because like I say we're Just down on The Fairway now and it Looks generous yeah I think the Challenge is anything just slightly Offline yeah that's the other thing is If you're not you're not driving it very Straight you can get into some Situations where you're not finding it Yeah it's gone I don't know if I've got Enough After an amazing Drive Career best from me managed to find the Fairway here on the number number two Ricky time we've got 220 left in to the Green from here it's nice you start Number one and two with 500 back to back Please tell me it gets easier

It doesn't feel like much Bree so Probably just playing the number Oh I've not hit it well enough That should be all right I think it'll Be just short there yeah Yeah caught it a bit out the toe laying Up on this part five for playing up on This bar four I got 215 it's a back pin I'm just gonna hit five iron take long Out of play Hold your line hey there Stay Yeah yeah He's just stayed up stayed out the Bunker I thought it was looks like There's a rig I thought it might hit That and go in the bunker imagine okay We're at the front of the green here for My third shot If I'm honest with you if I wasn't Playing with Ricky Fowler right now I'd Probably put this He's not his miles away I mean to be honest I want to put it Even playing with Ricky Fowler but I'm Not gonna do A little short shot I need to learn from The last one it's going to roll out on Me Oh no Ah then is that dead oh Uh bunker Caught it then bunker at the back Sheesh

Couldn't afford to go long Try and make it work I haven't had to hit a pot like that in A while Okay this is an impossible little shot Back of the green I've thinned it Through the back we've got necks and no Green to work with Ah Any tips Ricky just take take a shot on The green don't have to get cute with it Not bad Look at that don't have much from back There Fish shop now Racking them up Go all right are there any gimmies today Or no unfortunately All right come on then For another par Beautiful Okay dodging Didn't look kind of lips in it never Looked like it was going anywhere else But in I yeah I actually thought it was Going to go in the middle it didn't move Much at the end there All right okay double double I'm now Six under Ricky's level a double double is a good Burger though it's not a good way to Start around the gulf no Okay third hole par five

549 yards bear where's the key left is Not where you want to go Foreign Yes Have it Nice yeah success on the first one That was Pretty it will be incredible right Follow that I'll land it right next to You Oh then I can get away with it It's Fairway what the hell with that Those are sandhill cranes They're laughing at my golf shop 267 hole Um Depends on what you want to do you can Either lay up or you can kind of push it The Fairway does open up a little bit to The left Like you wouldn't want to be left of the Cart no but there's Fairway Over there I feel like a shot from 100 Yards is going to be a much more Comfortable with yeah so hit something Yeah like a nine or eight iron down There Just going you just go straight over at That right bunker okay Oh don't go left That's it That's it I think it's set on grass yeah that Wasn't the best dry comes a bit too

Complacent there 245 and We're like 238 front edge the pin's Actually pretty close to that front Should just be a nice comfortable 5 wood Draw I'll come back let's try in let's Try it out Um might be bunker Okay third shot 112 yards this green Ricky's saying it's tiny it looks tiny However Anything positive thoughts here I'm just Gonna hit a little chippy gap wedge Oh I've not caught it travel close It should stay there it's fine yeah I Didn't quite catch it I'm getting slowly but shortly getting Closer Arsenal's is green it's like a Little almost like a little Dome it is Tiny yeah here 192 is not easy No and a lot of times you're trying to Hit it just short because you know if You try and go like actually carry it There and you miss a little left it'll Kick and wow go over to the path Wow Oh that's phenomenal that is phenomenal Very well played We might have I'm going to it Let's pop this one close Let's ease the nerves Swim up Oh get closer than that You like look at this

Yeah it's a quick one Um Really just Not trying to like force the make just You get a little too uh aggressive with This and She'll run on by so a little bit more Trying to go die speed and let it take The break It's a dirty to get someone under Beautiful beautiful thanks thanks that Was nowhere but not And you talk about dying speed that was Absolutely to Perfection onto that last Roll it just dropped in I feel like my buddy Jason duffner is Like the the perfect die speed putter he Just dropped he just is it Especially some like four and five Footers I don't know if there's anyone That drops it in like the front lip Better than him does he leave it short Ever He's made plenty of putts on me I'll Tell you that Hey Relief try not one back on me though Trending yeah that was better that felt Nice to go in the hole Um I'm now six under Ricky's one under There's only five shots in it we lost Five in three holes Fourth hole first par three we've come To 189 yards looks pretty

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Straightforward I'm sure it's not but it Looks it from here yeah you just don't Really want to hit it right or left Exactly green is good And it's about five times as big as the Green on the last Go in the hole That'd be expensive That was a good one love that how many Holding ones you got around here uh I've Only had one here it was on this hole How about that yeah that was I was tracking for so long right great Shot thank you I'm gonna go five iron Degree The beach Ah damn Bunker side of the green needs to keep This short There we go that's it Yeah all right from there you're good Sounds interesting around there it's Like it looks so good it's kind of quite Compact we're on the green anyway All right Let's see if we can walk away with a Three Easy three Go ahead Oh man I thought that had to go a bit I'll keep out Tell us about this over okay oh we got a Little little dog like left Um breezes and off the left

I would say in a tournament I might hit Three Wood just because there's more Room but Um I'm gonna try and hug the corner Maybe carry a little bit Um Just try to challenge myself a little Bit here so We got enough I'm not sure it's got to Go a little No Bounced out Oh Nick oh just you see that yeah Wow another great hole I was trying if Anything stayed just right of the tree So I you know I missed my spot by five Yards you did yeah the flight was Phenomenal so I'm gonna stay right at The tree yeah right after that bunker is Fine okay Yep perfect Someone's made bats about pass Okay second shot into the fifth 140 Yards Yeah it's a little bit Breezy into it Would you go up a club from here yeah I Would say depending on on flight it's Going to be anywhere from like a 1 45 to 150 shot Okay I'll let 150 shot yeah Oh dug at it a bit no it's all right Just hang in there Should catch a piece Yeah it's fine yeah that's good a bit of

A divot Uh I'm just gonna chip a gap wedge okay And Ball's pretty far above the feet so That was Mega Stay there Beautiful yeah a little short not bad Really well controlled So it's hard on really fast greens Putting up pill Because you don't normally you'd give it A bit of a hit but On greens like this you don't want to Smash it past You know never been so more nervous to Like knocking one two or three feet past Store by or sideways that swung a lot More than expected Much in it yeah they're just just gonna Drift right the whole way So just more trying to match match speed With our line here Stay stay up oh Come on good pop almost As much as it wasn't an easy hole it's The easiest hole we've played so far Yeah And when you think about it it really Isn't easy but it's At the five we've played so far I felt a little bit of a respite Might not last long though Okay Oh uh we've got number six here I mean it's fairly straightforward what

You see is what you get off the tee got A little help today So How far yeah it's let's see I actually Don't even know what it says from back Here 470 Okay so A little length but at least we got a Little help It's all right yeah it's just be on the Right uh right side of the Fairway Hung it a little bit but got away with It hit way you can see Yep straight away Foreign Good Okay second shot in here defining the Fairway 198 yards winds just slightly Helping off the right I'm guessing I Want to stay left of the flag Ricky Uh rates not bad but from where the pin Is the rest of the green slopes from Right to left so left to be putting up At it yes okay right I don't know why I'm thinking I've got That level of control but let's let's See I'm thinking starting at the flag And just drawing it back to Middle yeah Foreign Looks like Yeah good one yeah we're dancing Better You called the shot yeah I like that one If I've ever got pal all right yeah uh

174. Um trying to pitch it a couple short of The hole a little bit of help so It should be just like a little off a Stock eight iron okay Oh this looks nice oh keep holding this Looks nice Yeah yeah very nice tiny bit Short Spot On for distance there's one for line Don't forget to drink all the time oh Yeah Okay two shots middle of the green I mustn't it Sorry he was so different but this might Be one of the best five irons I've ever In my life Cool it got cool Foreign I cannot leave myself any tappings Oh I didn't move Oh That would start turning left a little Earlier great speed again Great speed Okay sweep up a par Nice thank you I really needed to drop that one in There at any speed it's just I can't see It going in Right Scores are still six under it's Ricky's One under still five in it Lots of golf I got some I got some work To do oh five coming up there we do have

A five Seventh hole uh off the left a little Bit but uh Pretty straight away so I mean it's par five you sometimes you'd Think about oh maybe trying to get some Extra to get a shorter Club This one's reachable so Really no reason to reach back get it And play and yeah it's always key Good it was just to let it drift get it In play Yeah perfect on the right side of the Fairway great ball last few times I Played I haven't hit a good one here so I just want to make sure I you know Like I said it's it's a reachable hole So there's no reason to try and hit it Foreign Yeah good one Perfect You go up perfect make sure you make Sure you've got Ricky saying that Perfect I'll be honestly Ricky that's his good Looking probably a tip top no it's nice Because we have I mean there's just Enough Breeze off the left where it will Move the ball I I kind of went the Opposite of you I just decided to hit it And let it drift and you hit a nice Little holder Help for a while and just fell back Straight yeah so if I didn't see each

Other like you say on a par five like This you can't feel like you drunk on it And that's where you get in trouble You're trying to start here hardly yeah It's I mean it's it's reachable it's I Think we're playing it just over Fence front so I think it's front sets I Mean it's like it's only 5 20. yeah Exactly 222 it's only like seven on I'm guessing Is well short is it Uh yeah so I said you had 222 you Probably it's only like 170 180 over that bunker there's a lot Of Fairway that you can't see in front Of the green so I thought I'd reckon I Need twist it I mean like if it was me Like Um Well front edge is like 215. oh okay Um okay yeah I'm off with that sure it's Fine because you can put it up there Yeah I think you're right with the first one Oh there's there's a lot of us that Would from short there we would still Pot it at times oh good that makes you Feel better I would do it every time Right Oh I've not caught that well No it'll be fine though yeah there's Always going to light up simply yeah I Didn't I didn't get on top of it Ricky Fowler just repair my might not be

The the distance then you wanted I don't think it will be So after seeing a few drives that I've Hit Ricky would you say that I would be Shorter than tour average off the tee If you were saying before you're longer Than entire average yeah I want to say I can't remember the like rough number Like ball speed but like average ball Speed on tours somewhere I think in the low once like 170 or all Right yeah I'm not that I'm I'm mid 160s At best gotcha but there's like there Are I mean there's a handful of guys on Tour that play in the low to mid 160s And just ball speed doesn't always mean Distance also so And that's certainly not me thinking That I can be until it's just intriguing To know because you've hit that about 15 Past me I honestly felt like I hit mine Phenomenal you might have even a further Than 15 past me but oh yeah I would have Been because you've Zapped it to the pin So you're 25 yards past me there you Were 222 so 22 22 yards Yeah see I felt like absolutely maybe Just below average yeah I honestly I Couldn't hit it much better so it gives Me a barometer Foreign Looks good Looks very good yeah yeah it's just past

It that looks very good Eagle time Honestly that looks so close it's only a Good line it seems to just land spot on As well yeah great shot oh did you hit That thank you a little five I it was Like borderline Borderline six iron I hate the shot this Is right in your wheelhouse 53 yards front pen oh my God Too far for pots I don't know if it's if you can hit it Hard enough No come on this is like you said before That's why you got a man up Any tips I like to sometimes think of when you Mention like weight left or staying left Almost like the other another one is Like when you do when you do making Contact if you're if you're feeling like You can walk through okay does that make Sense yeah so like you're up your chest Is the weight transfer yeah everything Is is continuing to move To your left and through the wall I'm Not going to think I'm just going to hit It's such a tough shot hey you're in a Really grainy spot there is that right Because it wasn't like being by the Drain that's all that's all draining Back so all that grass is going towards The drain it's just so penal yeah I Really do find that shot hard That one's potable

Oh yeah hahaha Wow it honestly the type of grass out Here A Ricky medical Point that's right near A drain so all the water's collecting Down which is and is that what's Happening almost the water's pushing The grass to go that way yeah a lot of Times Um grass is going with the slope or Where water is draining I can drop you off pull up over there Yeah you go you go and line up She's back out honestly I know I'm not the best in that yardage Anyway but it's bloody hard it really is Right longest port Yeah really tough really tough making a Hash of this old my power runs over Here oh Same a down ball Foreign Epic love it what you love to see All right Ricky's gone to three under This is now Thank you yep Important port Just to only lose one shot Nice Okay I'm now five under your three under Three only two in it Come on look at this hole par three Eighth hole 198 yards

I mean that is just an absolute stunning Golf hole Sleepers Just popping out the water bunker almost Rolls down into a beach Pins from right Into wind Awesome epical Oh that's a double cross Sit Supposed to be a nice high cut off that Bunker no there's just Fairway over There Okay Before I didn't hand Into Breeze I'm gonna drill it low draw Oh there she is That's plenty good one thank you yeah That one wasn't getting touched by wind No The Wrath but sometimes I can hit a good One yeah that was a nice strike I'm not gonna be able to fly it on the Green no so I have to kind of play the Bump if it was flatter or not running Away actually But it's not too bad Does this one bother you oh yeah of Course it does anything that's not a Full shot Oh what That was better than that I can't think you pitched that far from Where you wanted to did you no it's

Maybe like a yard off of what I wanted Right there wow I'm more worried about chipping around There than I'm a Gators Right however we've got to put for Birdie here par three Down the hill everything's moving Towards the left down towards the water It's going to be absolutely rapid I don't know if you're thinking about Making this one this one's Try and get her close if it happens to Go in it's a bonus exactly Stay up Oh I honestly thought I'd tap that Honestly Genuinely thought I wasn't going to get The And it's gone six foot past there's a Decent amount of slope here on this one Wow No I can't stay short oh But honestly when you hit it I never Expect it to even get that far No that's that's one there after you Know double cross kind of poor tee shot If you make three great but You can accept four and walk away You know what car except for Bully well you can't you hit the bullet That's what I mean bullet drill in a Four eye into tough power four I feel like this is Emotionally this is a huge swing

You idiot I heard something go off in the behind Me something splashing the water and I Got you said you weren't afraid of the Gator God I gotta find something oh Silly bogey Says 484 on the plate Dog like a little bit left uh today We've got a little breeze in and off the Left Pretty generous Fairway it's just it's a Pretty long haul with the hurt so you Want to be staying more slightly more Left to get better angling I guess yeah I'd be looking to to stay left of those Bunkers out there on the hill Would you prefer to be slightly more Left I would say in the perfect world Yes but I'll take it right where it's at Oh that's out thanks Ah Worst case it's Hazard but salt bounce Nah it's weak weak tea shop landed on Grass Okay I'm 250 yards away on a powerful Um We found it which is the good news But we're way back so there's no point In me going for it that's uh that's Where I can make doubles and triples From here

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Oh simmer Cinema simmer Oh no that's in the Pines on the other Side I think it's short of the trouble But you're good ah All that Bloody Fairway to it High five you got two or four Stay Stay Mega strike Yeah good golf shot nice that's very Nice for them pin High just right Yeah I should have done that on the last Hole Okay not ideal that pound straw 117 Ricky these day 117 back into Breeze a Touch Out of this sort of live does it Does it dampen the flight does it come Out a bit softer obviously depends on Strike yeah it depends like since we're Able to get some of that stuff out from Behind it should come out really clean Yeah uh the only times like when you do Have some pine straw or obviously grass The you know when they get in between The face you can get the kind of knuckle Jumper but I went up the club but I Don't think I'm gonna do yeah his long Long is not good at him I guess is the Pain right at the back it's just fair Way back there but okay yeah it should Just A little bit of Hurt play a little more Than the number okay A little 50 degree I'll be good for distance Just short yeah I didn't quite catch it

But There's bang the line Okay so it's just on me for par This would be an incredibly Unlikely power after not a great t-shirt Not a particularly well not a good Second shot not particularly great third Shot but sometimes you just need a good Put Straight back up the hill Bridge Right honestly Ricky right now to get my Head in the right space I want to try to Put it to that point really yeah that Must be how far off I am with my Distance control on these greens Yeah sometimes that's I mean what you Have to do like there's times on tour if It if they're slower or faster like just Pick spots based on you know short or Long or you've almost got tricky mind Yeah Right for birdie let's get back to three On the power Oh Never hit it Yeah is that eight or no that's nine That's nine halfway point We uh Ricky's too under I am Three under All right one shot in it with the button Big battle the back nine I think I just Prefer it when it gets more to level you

Know You just want to make it interesting It's about nine easier or harder Um Maybe more scorable holes Okay More variety Look at this for a halfway house I Wonder if they've got sausage rolls Um halfway house is pretty nice there do You reckon they do sausage rolls and Salt uh they could do something close to It roughly but it's more of like a hot Dog On the first tee oh you kind of hit over Some Wetland Marsh area here and The kind of strip of green grass out There just trying to land it somewhere In that tell me the Fairway looks bigger Than what it is It is once once you get out there it'll Seem bigger um it looks Tiny from here All right about nine one in it I need to sit Softly we'll see yeah okay be close okay I want to keep drifting Keep drifting Yeah Bueno Who I know I like that right here Come on evening Yeah it's a good time of day out here There's not many days it's not like this

I'm guessing isn't it This time of year you get a lot like This Is it almost more volatile in the summer More unpredictable ah you just get Afternoon storms the mornings are all Pretty similar almost every day you got Afternoon storms yeah two three o'clock Yeah Uh it's probably about 20 on and this That right bunker is well short of the Green Okay second shot into ten After Manning up and hitting a decent Tee shot and I'll be honest I'm only Just a few yards inside this kind of Little stripper bunker land Before the Wasteland or the marsh area 178 into the green I'm gonna hit seven Iron and just try and knock it down keep It below the wind this is where we turn It on Oh no no no no no no I really fancied that shot as well So we've just been to the halfway house I'm neither confirming or denying there Might be alcohol in this I'll let you guys be the judge of that And then Mr Fowler's too He made me do it All right similar number to you but I'm Gonna try and Try and fly to seven get it back there Oh skinny trouble

Catch peace Not very good we'll be putted Not ideal but even put it Oh That was pretty good from there That was pretty damn good Foreign I feel like it it's when you're putting Off The Fringe because the grass moves In so many different ways yeah Definitely I'll push it one way yeah I feel like I'm reading everything on The green but they're neglecting what it Does around suppose that's where you Really gotta chip it Oh I know what you're thinking if I hit A good drive I might get two now so I Would say like for you perfect would be You see the face of the bunker yeah Would be like just going straight over That all right where's the hole go left Yes over to the left And watch your line Over these Or I like it Going straight for it Should be good It's blind so we'll just have to wait And see well I got I gotta guide you in Any way it looks phenomenal it like a Good hit That's where the green is yes and so I'm Just going over the face that bunker Yeah so that's at about like you still

Need to hit a good one to carry there But if you hang it right Over there in the Fairway you got about 300 run out Okay So maybe so if you're if you're playing A draw maybe go like down the edge of The Fairway I was going to go down the Left and try and almost or if you're Going to cut it yeah I like that too Okay All right This could be pretty good We'll just have to wait and see though I guess I didn't say well I didn't cry Got the fade but it wasn't it wasn't the Cut but An accidental go for it Now if that carries It'll kick forward nice it could be good Oh I told you I thought it was good Right so we're driving down here and We're all looking for the balls Obviously the blind shot we see this one Here for a short ride and I'm like okay That's me I'm happy he says oh it's good You're putting And just as you said that he went I was Like I'm putting two and if you look Next to the flag There's a little old white golf ball There's perfect distance today Another incredible Eagle opportunity

Look where it pitched you see it yeah It's marking the green Okay so just at the front of the green Like I say be pretty happy with the shot And I am However I feel like you don't make three here I'm at least going to be leaving losing One shot to Ricky and even making three I might I'm making four I might lose two Shots he might knock it in for eagle So we need to get this up and down Yeah good place Okay Ten holes in a bit of a decent speed put Right Ricky We've seen one Eagle off you so far Today See can we get another We just got a little Right Movement I Think it has to be just outside the hall Come on Ricky knock it in For eagle and to get to four under par Yes All right My mad that was awesome it's always a Good day if you can make two Eagles oh Yes baby Oh we got to get you a birdie though I Mean you could go left Edge or you can Go I'm just going to try and trickle it In I'm going to Jason duffner it yeah Yeah give give it a little room on that Left side

Oh About it damn A lot there at the end That is the risk of dropping it in You've got to you've got to play for More break haven't you yeah no it's Amazing how much like if when you look From Behind like a lot of people under read Putts yeah because a lot I mean they Don't see where they actually start it Um but yeah seeing like where you could Actually start that dying People would never think that you could Start that like two balls out left oh They might not pick absolutely Epic What people want to say I wish I hit that t-ball every time here That was so good That loves the eagle ports Great C shot great hole out And another beautiful par three Tears a little up pens up so we're Playing on the shorter side we've got 167 but this hole can play up to Probably 210 Um so pin kind of sits up in the front On a Shelf Great little shot here so I'm going to Hit a little controlled eight iron See if we can execute Oh be phenomenal stay there Yeah nice shot it kind of drink it Looked like it was down online that's

Worked out perfect Yeah so you got so that like I was Talking about there's a shelf so you got About four Paces right of the hole and Then it it goes down Okay so that was a little controlled Eight yes That was right on like a 160 shot that Was so nice Oh we're right Cover Okay Pot and just be coming up the slope There yeah Really once you've described it's been On that little shelf it makes the target Area feel a bit yeah it's small I Suppose it is it's not a not a big area That's for sure Okay On the green but as Ricky said I'm down On this slope that front little tier is A very very small area to hit onto Probably like Yeah It'll be it'll mean it'll be slow up but It's tough because it's up and then kind Of back down a little it'll be fast when It goes over that shadow again Get down cut down Ah I didn't want to Rattle it past Yeah it's tough because it'll it'll go To the green real quick Great football

I'm gonna try and dribble it in again Give it a little bit more break Oh this time I give it too much break Didn't want to move and I hit that Honestly I didn't think I did that hard Oh racking up a few bogeys now So long haul here 643 It's very rare to be able to knock it on In two so Really play it as a three shot or you Get a pretty pretty big area out here so Get it and play and go from there Foreign yes Yes And play Yeah nice You can have a really small Fairway if You do that You've got a you probably have about 240 To that left bunker The one that's oh got it so it's miles Away yeah Yeah you get about 260 to that bunker oh My goodness the one just on the left There yep in the Fairway yep oh my God Um really whatever you can hit whatever You want I don't how far I'll have left him from There roughly Uh if you kept it short you'd be in the 100 range maybe 120 at most oh wow okay I'm gonna go three wood And you've got I mean 40

40 plus yards of Fairway right of that Bunker I was talking to you before in the range These rails are your fault aren't they Oh they're yeah no they're great I know Like Butch has always been someone That's liked having the rails there Um and then Ban my guy at Cobra I mean I haven't I Love it on the 5 wood because it comes In play a lot more yeah you know three Wood you don't use them a lot but five Would there's so many more shots you can Hit with it I'm trying to hit a big slicing cut Yeah Again Pretty good that was the club that You've got in your hand currently Driver yep good driver Um I like hitting the shot when I mean It presents itself here we got a long Par five Um Just trying to push it up there and Obviously you can see the trees kind of Block out Room to be able to turn something So driver I mean I can I can turn driver Over off the deck if I really need to But obviously it's a lot easier to hit a Straight ball or cut all right shows What you got so yeah I mean in the Perfect world

Little cut holds the breeze And just trying to push it up there Oh And a little on the bottom it hooked the Tree line but it's fine right that Should be okay Okay third shot this is part five left Myself a hundred and Just under 130 yards I'm safe to be just Left to the pin right Ricky yes yeah You've got probably about six Paces left Of it where there's a spine so Ultimately you like to try and stay Right of that Foreign Struck it well enough I've had a few of Them today Oh maybe just off the edge there yeah That was a bad strike it's turn left on Me and Oh thanks yeah not the best strike but a Little bit from the toe Yeah the layup was not exactly ideal I was trying to keep it Left for the angle and I caught it a Little thin And over cut it so Now I'm dealt with This so we've got 62 yards short-sided Off a puff yeah just really just try and Get it on the green come off well first Off make good contact a bit of magic Here if you get up and down here

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Oh you're a bear 62. Foreign Two yards from being perfect That was close Okay Hit it harder It just makes he's really good at this YouTube stuff he just makes it Interesting for the last few holes Oh a couple more yards I know it's Really close Foreign That would have been ridiculous Hit the Turn Stop Africans It's so hard to get the ball close to The hole Nice Trying to get a little too cute over There Right The Palm to get one back Straight back up the hill Nice thank you Game on You got the honor oh Get on video I've got the honor so if You want to hit driver Um I feel like I feel like you hitting Virtually giving me an advantage here as Well if you hit driver like if it's at

The green it has to be hit well Um at the right green side bunker that You can see yeah and then you have you Probably have a 40 yard window there Okay so if I went for green And cut it it's fine okay And if it stays straight might have a Chance yep Foreign Yeah that's fine there On soft Yeah and just be over in the Fairway There okay perfect I'm going for the big Cut it's actually with the help it's Borderline three wood but Try and hit him just a big fun one Eyes Out of it Should be all right plus this is more of The shot you really really like Okay second shot since his 14th Absolutely beautiful If I was good at this shot I'd really be Looking forward to this But I am good at this shot yeah a little Downhill you got you got 10 12 Paces of Green to work with got a bit of Swing Lube in me Oh behave Hahaha Good shot That was filth I'm gonna clip that up and put it on Repeat

It's off Ah I'll be honest with you I didn't think I'd see the day where I pitched it Closer to you then you're a little Skinny I'll just like a stroke that Perfect I struck it absolutely perfect This is heated up if we're not this bad Boy in We've just got shots back on him on the Last two holes I feel like this could be a big part in The match this is huge This is huge Like pacing back and forth I'm like I Don't I don't know what to do myself I'm not used to putting second Stay up stay up stay up oh Wowzers Well I was just right Um Not a lot in it Middle of the putter face good stroke Guys got it all right all right More impressed about making a bird if You're right things are getting Interesting Puffle Par Four yeah we've got a little Dog left we're back into the breeze a Little off the left right now but Yeah that telephone pole is usually Usually always a good kind of guide

Nice I like that one Yep That was nice Foreign Safety Yeah that's fine I'm guessing Yeah the pins all the way back so you Probably only had like 190 front which would be right at the Bunker okay Um and any anything really short and Right is fine Um If I go if I go with the guys on the tee And almost play that draw from there Yeah you wouldn't really have to draw it Too much because you should have a touch Of help off like not help but like in Off the right okay So if you just hit a straight one there That's fine those guys yep Okay four iron 220 yards Hey girls don't draw don't draw anymore Don't draw anymore Keep hanging Yeah stayed up Perfect Delayed clubs well I finally got ripped Here uh 214. So As you can see I mean like you were able To hug the left a little bit more which Saves some distance I took the safer

Route and really didn't gain a whole lot Of yardage but no Like it a hit I'm gonna hit a forearm let's see if I Can get it back there okay Drop oh come on baby keep coming no I Was fighting it right It's in the middle I mean from 215 Hit it on the green that's yeah exactly That's fine those aren't the ones you're Trying to get close All right we're in just two pot Territory here Try and make four and get out Stay up Max speed Really good speed X that broke a lot way More than I thought it was gonna do yeah Once it kicks off that it it really kind Of just keeps going Nice work Right Hung on By a foot And depending on how much out of The Fringe but you're Yeah I would I think it's going to go From there yeah There's nothing if I'm actually gonna be Able to get that yeah like the middle Should stay pretty straight but the Friends should go right and then it'll Go right at the end

Right come on All right oh That's a good four on this hole it's not An easy one Yeah I'll take that every day oops I'm Just going quickly rate that bunker Three more gotta finish this guy Right Ricky I forgot pal Um yeah pretty simple part three it's Just 225. Um you got plenty of room right okay And uh just a grain sitting out there That you want to try and hit it on Really this is a whole Make three and just go ahead and move on To 17. this is still need It's it's The system I like I prefer having some Short par threes which we have a good Variety of par threes out here Um But yeah you got to step up and hit a Good shot here this is honestly Different level different level I mean you've got you've got all the Room you want right 225 total slightly into Breeze no no if Anything there would be a touch of help Oh I think four is fine Especially if if you're starting it Drawing right and drawing it if you hang It it's fine okay Foreign Stop drawing stop drawing stop drawing

Stop drawing stop drawing I honestly couldn't tell didn't land in The water instead right of it but I Couldn't it's good I'm getting told it's Good okay That one had some movement I had a Little bit of Swing on it Really baby draw It's a bailout That should be fine all right All right let's see if we can make this One look good Hey All right that was tough from there Right so I was screaming for mine to Stop turning It listened It's finished here We dodged one look at the swing Oh Christ I mean I would give that to you in a Match I don't think you would I would I haven't played without glasses in a While Ricky's got this for par Oh oh Klaus Nice thank you Okay any good glasses on I can't see Ricky's got prescription sunglasses and Uh it's going so dark you have to take Him off but you can't see with him off It's I can see it's just not as clear so All parts of my plan That's why we said we'll take off and

Late getting the sunset right two holes To go One shot in it Absolute perfect would finish just right Of that bunker you can see okay so you Gotta cut it a bit or straight over the Tree No like you don't want to get much right There's there's Hazard so straight away At the Bunker's fine I'm just saying if It happened to be just right it makes The second shot shorter from here I Can't resell this one because no you can Go straight away you're fine okay right So let's go Run out of light so be quick Yeah nice Yeah that way Yeah good ball Cotton 270 hole Yes wow knowing my game would you Recommend me to go for it or not if I Hit it well I'm Gonna Leave myself that Awful shot I'm not gonna get there Emma You can get through you can definitely Can get through it if they're close for Sure What's going on I mean it's laying up There's not many options no so I think You just hit Three Wood over the just Left side of that bunker okay All right keep going that's fine just be

Over in the Fairway there Probably left myself with those little 50 yarders Right what we're saying I'm just gonna try and squeeze one up There a bit I think I'm about the same same yardage As you Super strikes similar line to mine right Yeah Figured no reason to get too cute just Get it over there see if we can get it Up and down right Third shot into this par five Neck and neck This is a little it's a little naughty Shot 90 of my brain is telling me to hit Putter But we're not doing it we're gonna pitch You up there good vibe from that last Pitch All right set up Wasn't pretty but it's up there Come on Ricky up and down Or even one more ego Very nice not bad from there Right For birdie See what you got under the Moonlight Under the moon here quite possibly The best golf course I've ever played Again tricky Fowler Come on

Oh I thought you made that I thought I'd Made What I've made it so far past well I Thought with the speed it was going to Hold its line Oh Man This is getting interesting One shot in it Ricky's got this for Birdie I've got a little knee knocker For par And then it's all down the last Turn turn turn turn Yours went that way oh man All right For par and to stay one ahead with one Supply Nice We go down to the last It all comes down to this I like my chances We've been uh Wouldn't say it's been the most Impressive round of golf by myself but We're hanging around Rick's played nice On the back nine so We're making it interesting Ricky's Making a new field I was giving you the Back ones And I've uh I brought spare ball just in case Because this t-shirt looks ridiculous Uh really you're trying to split stay

Right of the bunker on the hill there The left yeah and then the bunker on the Right that you see kind of poking out You really so the cell phone tower yep Like that or just left if it's perfect About all just left yep okay yeah good Good tough Par Four to finish on here Where it Was marker says 484 484 yeah Right usually we play it it's a little Lighter than this It must be great then at the telegraph Pole or just left of it See that other bulb Oh no I bet it in the drink and come the Last time It was going so well But they're after can I drop down there Or not yeah yeah yeah I can drop down There At Lux phenomenal I think it's okay I lost it like halfway It's on it's going towards the bunker See where the last golf cart is Yeah because we're in line with each Other it'll be close should be all right Okay oh I'm not put it in the drink on The last hole Damn Oh pressure got to me Are you here no you hit a good one it Just started a little right in the Freeze a little bit I must admit Actually I've hit my driver quite well

It's like I've been quite surprised my Driver But it's a coursework four teachers to Hit good drivers are your perfect So yeah oh yeah yeah oh perfect see like You could see that I still couldn't see It okay so it found the water and around About this way it kind of curved in so We're gonna drop it here I'm Semi-tempted to drop it in the light Rough Without silver I took off I actually feel like I have to two Club Lengths yeah I'm gonna do it So it sits up a bit more right 225 yards Water all down to the right hand side I Mean what a finishing hole Ricky's there Perfect position position a At the clock tower rookia play safe yeah No reason to get cute here Hang in there Might catch the left side Feel like it was only just left of the Clock yeah so it might be on the green Or just in that bunker What a day Before a day guys if you enjoyed this Video Smash like Subscribe to the channel I mean this is free African playing one Of the best golf courses in the world We're one of the best golfers in the

World I'm an evening like this To get to a finish like this Thanks for watching everybody it's Appreciated right All right we got 181 there's obviously Not much Breeze other than a little Darkness Um Just gonna hit a just a little off seven Iron try and cut it over to the hole There Always absolutely phenomenal It's phenomenal I think it's funny I actually hit that Kind of nice that was ridiculous Hey honestly it looks from here about Three foot right of the flag Foreign Look at this Rick is about four foot Right at the flag have it a nice shot Granted I'm on the green putting But my one shot lead In one hole might completely switch Round I have to hold this put for par Otherwise Ricky's got to put to win Does this swing a lot it's it's gonna Like it'll add like uh make speed it's Going to kind of come in at this angle Okay It'll it'll Kind of continue to drift in the last Last 10 feet it's where it'll really Kind of drift down to the right Time to make a put

What a time to make up Oh I thought halfway had a really good Chance I did I honestly did I'm not even closer than you yet To finish Two under par You know what I'll take that I will take That round the Gulf Come on Ricky for the win On the last hole Under the Moonlight and the sunset for Birdie And to finish three on the far oh I got It That was absolutely epic guys come on be Sure to check out Rick on social media Good luck with the rest of the year and The rest of moving into next year thank You thank you honestly from the bottom Of my heart for sorting this out today Yeah this is a good afternoon because This is not many times you get to play An amazing place like this and film guys Thanks for watching stay tuned lots more To come and that was Ricky Fowler at Three under I finished two under Ricky Takes the W well done pal well done mate