I Tried Arm Lock Putting for 90 Days… Here’s What Happened

We embarked on a 90-day journey exploring the practice of Arm Lock Putting. Join us as we uncover the transformative effects and outcomes of this putting technique.

I Tried Arm Lock Putting for 90 Days… Here’s What Happened


Well, folks, buckle up because we are diving headfirst into my 90-day rollercoaster journey of experimenting with arm lock putting in the great game of golf. Arm lock putting has been making waves in the golfing scene lately, and like any curious player looking to up my game, I decided to put it to the test. Over the next few paragraphs, we’re going to chat about the highs, lows, and in-betweens of my endeavor. So, grab your favorite beverage, get comfy, and let’s tee off!

Trying Out Something New

So, picture this: yours truly, standing on the green with my trusty conventional putter in hand. As the whispers of arm lock putting reached my ears, I couldn’t resist the urge to shake things up. I mean, why not, right? Change can be good, after all. Thus, armed with my newfound interest and determination, I embarked on a mission to give this innovative putting technique a fair shot.

Initial Hurdles and Triumphs

Let me tell you, folks, the beginning wasn’t all rainbows and butterflies. As I delved into the realm of arm lock putting, I faced some serious challenges. The learning curve was steep, to say the least. Balancing the putter against my lead forearm was no walk in the park. However, with grit and perseverance, I slowly started noticing improvements. My confidence in sinking those pesky short putts skyrocketed, and suddenly, I was feeling like a putting pro.

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The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Now, let’s talk turkey. Arm lock putting isn’t all sunshine and roses. While it did wonders for my short game, I found myself struggling with lag putting and maintaining consistent distance control. It was like learning to dance to a new beat – a bit awkward at first, but eventually finding my rhythm. Despite the setbacks, I persevered, knowing that every missed putt was a lesson in disguise.

Impact on My Overall Game

Fast forward to the end of my 90-day experiment, and here’s the tea – my three-putt average per round took a nosedive. Yes, you heard that right! The arm lock putter had a significant impact on reducing those dreaded three-putts, instilling a newfound sense of assurance in my stroke. However, like any tool, it’s all about finding the right fit for your game. So, while I urge you to give arm lock putting a whirl, remember that finding what works best for you is key.


In conclusion, my 90-day tryst with arm lock putting was nothing short of an eye-opener. It challenged me, frustrated me, and ultimately, rewarded me. The journey may have had its ups and downs, but hey, that’s golf for you – a game of endless possibilities and constant evolution. So, to all you fellow golf enthusiasts out there, I say this – embrace the change, embrace the challenge, and who knows, you might just discover a game-changing technique that transforms your game.


  1. Is arm lock putting suitable for beginners?
    An arm lock putter can be beneficial for beginners looking to enhance their short-game performance. However, proper practice and guidance are essential to master the technique efficiently.

  2. How long did it take for you to adjust to arm lock putting?
    Adapting to arm lock putting took me a couple of weeks to feel comfortable with the new technique. Patience and consistent practice are key to acing the transition.

  3. Can arm lock putting improve distance control in putting?
    While arm lock putting excels in boosting confidence for short putts, some players may experience challenges in maintaining consistent distance control on longer putts. Practice and experience are crucial in refining this aspect.

  4. Should I switch to an arm lock putter permanently?
    Deciding to permanently switch to an arm lock putter depends on your comfort level and performance with the technique. Experimenting with different putters and seeking advice from professionals can help you make an informed decision.

  5. How can I try arm lock putting without committing to a purchase?
    Before investing in an arm lock putter, consider trying out the technique with a borrowed or rented putter. Many golf stores and facilities offer demo opportunities to test various putters before making a final purchase decision.

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