Butch Harmon on How To Hit More Greens From 150 Yards | Golf Lessons | Golf Digest

Golf instructor Butch Harmon teaches you how to get out of a tight lie while letting your club do all of the work.

Take a lesson with iconic instructor and industry royalty Butch Harmon.

Because we play outdoors on a golf course,
we don’t always get a perfect lie.
Well I’ve got a real tight lie here.
It’s in kind of a bare spot.
Let me show you what you’re gonna have to do
to hit this different.
Because the ball’s on a bare spot,
I’m gonna take a little more loft
and I’m gonna have to really hit down on this ball.
I’m gonna have to change my angle of attack
to come down in behind the ball
and let the loft of the club get the ball in the air.
I don’t wanna help it.
I want the club to do the work.
I’m gonna play the ball more in the middle of my stance,
and I’m gonna have a swing that’s a little more upright
so I can hit down and through.
Remember, if you get a tight lie, swing easy,
hit down in through.
You’ll get the ball right out of that tight lie,
might even get on the green.

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Butch Harmon on How To Hit More Greens From 150 Yards | Golf Lessons | Golf Digest

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