A Simple Bunker Lesson With A Client. In this video golf tip, Brian Fitzgerald “The Golf Doctor” shows you the results of a recent bunker lesson with Pam a client.
Hello. I’m Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.
And today I thought I would show you ah the result of a lesson I gave earlier in the week.
Ah this is to a client of mine named Pam. And Pam has given me permission to use her footage in this film clip.
Pam was struggling out of a bunker and she thought her swing was wrong. She couldn’t work out what was going on.
So ah stay tuned and have a look at how I changed her.
So here is Pam. Pam came to me earlier this week. having terrible trouble getting the ball out of a bunker.
And we will play this one through in slow motion. I won’t say too much. Let’s watch what she does.
And she’s coming down. She is certainly hitting the ball a long way behind and you can see her left arm collapsed into her body. The sand impeded the speed of the club and the ball barely came out of the bunker.
So if we actually look at what’s going on here. I’ll draw a few lines. So firstly, Pam has her nose behind the ball. And if we go down to where the club enters the sand. It’s entering the sand close to where the arrow is pointing.
So her weight is on her back foot so she is hitting under the ball, taking a big chunky divot, a lot of sand.And that really slows down the golf club. So as she is coming through. It slows it down, the club stalls and Pam tucks her hands into her body. You can see there, there is no power, no width, no extension and the ball is barely getting out.
So I could have changed her swing. I elected not to. So I will show you what I actually did.
So here we are with Pam’s new set up.
So I will draw a line again. So really all I did is I got Pam to get her nose over the top of the golf ball.
That was really the only change I made.
Um she had her weight back. Her head back behind the ball. And we will play this one through in slow motion and we will watch what happens.
No change to the swing. I didn’t suggest anything to her other than the fact we get her nose over the golf ball. And all of a sudden it’s a different looking swing.
You would really think I would have changed a lot. But all I really did is I got Pam to try and get her nose over the ball and that improved everything.
You can see there is no change to her back swing. When she came down the club entered a lot closer to the golf ball, the club didn’t get stuck underneath the ball by taking too much sand. So there was more speed. She still tucked her left arm in a little bit. But not compared to the other one. And that is a much better result. It looks pretty good there, but watch what happens when I compare the first swing.
So now we have got the old set up on the left hand side of the screen and the new set up on the right hand screen.
Ah you can see clearly what I have changed. There is nothing else changed. All we have done is got Pam’s nose over the top of the golf ball.
So we will see what happens now. We swing the club back. So there is really no change to that back swing.
Everything is pretty similar except that her nose is better over the ball. On the one on the right.
But that was because of her set up ad not because of any swing change.
We then come down through the shot and this is where it starts to look very different.
So we look at that position there. You would really think I have changed Pam’s swing. But I haven’t.I have changed her set up but by changing her set up I change the swing.
You can see it is very very different. The one on the left the hands have really tucked in to her body.
Ah the one on the right is tucking in a little bit and I would like to see that improve and we did speak about that.
But it is much better than what happened in the initial swing and as a result Pam was hitting some fantastic bunker shots.
So there you go.
Sometimes you don’t have to change your swing. You just need to change your set up.
So there you go. Sometimes it is not your golf swing. Sometimes it is simply your set up. And by changing your set up we then change the golf swing.
Thank you for letting me help you with your golf.
I’m Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.
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The before and after swings are in stark contrast yet there was no swing change just a change to Pams set up position.
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