Hi guys, I am experimenting with bowing my left wrist with great results. I find that the more I exaggerate the better.
When I do it correctly I tend to hit the ball with the toe of the club so I have to keep my left arm straight through my swing.
Does bowing your left wrist works for you?
Let me know.
My gear:
Flightscope mevo ▶
Video editing Macbook Air ▶
Videos recorded with Iphone XR ▶
GST – 5 GL swing radar ▶
Tablet used for mevo app ▶

My backyard setup:
Type of grass in my green ▶
Golf net ▶
Golf mat ▶
Real feel mat ▶
Wiffle balls ▶
Swinguide ▶
Dimpled foam balls ▶
Yellow foam balls ▶
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