Senior Golfers! Add 25+ Yards in 10 Minutes!

In this video, Steve takes Gustavo, a 6 handicap, through his Magic Speed Sequence of Drills and adds 10 mph clubhead speed and 25 yards to his longest golf drive.

Use the latest science in creating clubhead speed and you too can increase your clubhead speed and driving distance with these exercises and tips, even if you are a senior golfer!

Maximize your shoulder turn with the POWER COIL PRO! Gain 5-10 mph in 5-10 minutes as part of Steve’s ‘Magic Drill Sequence’:

I’ve put together a complete program to teach you the Mike Austin Golf Swing, increase your clubhead speed, and hit it solid and pure.. Check it out here:

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If you’ve been struggling with a bad slice, get my free 30 minute video here:

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See also  Mid HCP Golf Lesson | Making her Swing Short & Powerful

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