GOLF: How To Get More Rotation And Push Off Your Right Side

How To Get More Rotation And Push Off Your Right Side

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Here are the golf training aids I use in this video:
Tour Striker Educator:
Callaway Chip Stix:

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When you watch elite-level ball strikers, one of the things they have in common is hey rotate really well and they push off the right side. But, what does pushing off your right side even mean? And how can you use that to rotate better?

As I’ve mentioned in many previous videos, I want to rotate early. But at some point, I need to push off of my right foot so that I can extend my legs, kick my pelvis forward and extend my spine into my follow through. If I were to make a golf swing and had no push off the ground whatsoever, that’s not going to be very powerful.

Let’s focus on the downswing from about last parallel or halfway down during your downswing into your finish position. When we watch really good players, there isn’t a ton of pushing off of the right foot until that spot.

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The goal is, I go to the top of my backswing. I turn a bunch early, not pushing yet, and then by the time I’m getting down into the end part of my downswing, now I’m really pushing off the inside part of my foot into my follow through pieces.

By the time I’m down at last parallel, I’m really going to push off my right foot. I’m going to make sure my right quad and my right hip are turning towards the target as I’m pushing off. My belt buckle is turning towards the target. And then by the time I get into this arms parallel to the ground position in the follow through my goal is hips are perfectly square to the target, belt buckle is at the target and then shoulders are perfectly square to the target.

That would be a tremendous drill probably for just about everyone watching this to add rotation, add the extension, and then also getting the hands forward enough to compress the golf ball.

You can practice this with some golf training aids as well to get the same feels.

For the first drill, I put an alignment rod in the ground. I then preset my body into that last parallel position. From there, I need to feel like I’m pulling that stick up out of the ground and into my follow through pieces. I do that by pushing off my right foot and rotating my right thigh. I’m pulling it and I’m turning. That’s a huge speed production thing.

For the second drill, I can take a bucket or an object and sort of use the analogy of throwing something in front of you over a wall. If I were to take a bucket and try and throw it up over an object, I would do those same pieces. I would push off, turn my right side and extend into my follow through piece. Throwing a medicine ball into the wall would be a similar, good speed producer.

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I also like to combine drills like these with a wrist condition drills. I’ve used a hanger on the side of the club in the past (many times!). But, what we now have that does an even a better job in my opinion, is the Tour Striker Educator It just pops on the end of the club so you don’t have to actually hold the hanger.

So now I can combine wrist conditions along with my pushing off my right side, and that’s probably 80 to 90 percent of the drills that we’re going to do.

The Tour Striker Educator is more for the wrist conditions. Sometimes I’ll also use the Callaway Chip Stix Golf Training Aid for handle location and rotation. You guys have all seen the stick on the side of the club so you don’t hit yourself on the side. That’s what this is, but like with the Tour Striker Educator, this just pops on the end of the club and you don’t have to hold the stick. This would be more for getting rid of the flip motion. But again, these pieces all go together. I’ve never seen someone flip a club who has a good clubface alignment, who has a good pivot motion.

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