GOLF: How To Learn The Ideal Follow Through Step By Step

How To Learn The Ideal Follow Through Step By Step

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A lot of good teaching professionals I know coach the follow through first and let you build everything behind. I think that’s a really, really good idea for a lot of you. And this exercise of learning the ideal follow through is fantastic for anyone who is at a higher handicap level.

First, let’s talk about what the ideal follow through should look like and then we’ll talk about how to practice it step by step. Starting from the ground up, I have the greater majority of weight on my left foot. If I have good rotation, I will actually be on the outside or front part of my left foot. My hips are forward to the point where if I drew a straight line down from my belt buckle, my hips would be essentially up over my left leg. I’ve got my chest and sternum forward and I’m fully extended. And when I get all the way into a follow through, I’ll have my arms folded up kind of across the neck.

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When we start to learn the follow through, we’re going to start from a setup position and learn how to go just from setup into the follow through with no backswing. I’m going to go right from setup into a follow through and get an idea of what I want to feel. Is my body mass all the way over my left leg? Are my hips tucked forward and is my chest up towards the sky? Have I rotated fully? How am I going to know whether I’ve done this or not? Feedback!

From there, I’m gradually going to add a backswing. I’ll get to where my hands are even with my thigh, club parallel to the ground and I’m going to preset that. I’m going to pause there – like FREEZE there. Then I’ll give myself a little momentum and go into my follow through.

Your return on investment doing these drills without a golf ball is extremely low. You will needhave to have a ball in front of you – it can be a foam ball or wiffle ball – but put a ball in when you are practicing these movements.


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