8 amazing short golf videos motivation. #Subscribe & #HitTheBell

Here are the best short golf videos motivation. Viewing them is a part of training for your analysers and authomated perception.

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Hi I’m Yuri Tsvetkov, welcome to my channel. This YouTube channel is designed to help you play better golf, to improve your golf skills, also to help you enjoy your golf more!
I specialise in golf swing videos finding and making, golf enjoing, jokes making, life and golf loving. My last position is Golf Marshal in GORKI Golf & Resort. I was Head of Students & Family golf in Regional Golf Accosiation . During 2019 golf season I was involved in golf master classes and individual lessons.
I also want to make you play better golf by providing video on all topics about golf, how to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you drive the golf ball longer, hit your irons more pure, hit your irons closer to the hole and help you draw and fade your golf shots.
I will also help you lower your score by chipping better by stopping you duff and thin chips, pitch the ball closer and also create backspin. Also I will provide you help to putt better and hole more putts!
As a Marshal I know about other peoples game in real Tournaments more than most of teaching Pros!
Golf course strategy and overal coaching is my lovely subjects such as golf statictics and relative performance in diggerent parts of game tee shorts, approaches, scrumbling, long and short putting. On this channel I also make fun and entertaining golf content based on crazy and sometimes “gimmicky” golf clubs. I like to cut through the marketing hype about products and I like to give you the honest truth about golf equipment.
If you enjoy the channel make sure you hit subscribe and also tap the notification bell so that you are always notified when I release a new video.

See also  LONG DRIVE CHAMP'S New Training Aid, to IMPROVE your IMPACT and Distance for GOLF

Your”s sincerely Yuri Tsvetkov

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