5 Ways To Increase Your Driver Distance

5 Ways To Increase Your Driver Distance. In this video golf tip, Australian PGA Golf Professional Brian Fitzgerald “The Golf Doctor” shows you 5 ways you can hit it further with your driver, giving you an increase in driver distance . Each way by themselves can succeed in a few extra yards. Combine them and you will add substantial length to your tee shots.
So 5 things you can do to improve the distance you hit the ball from the tee.
The 1st thing I suggest you do is make sure that when you play golf you warm up before you play.
Because it takes you 4 or 5 holes to warm up. So there is no way you can potentially at it’s furthest if you haven’t done any stretching or warming up.
If you have warmed up you are ready to go from the first tee.
I can’t imagine the worlds best players, Jason Day Jordan Speith and Rory McIlroy just getting out of the cab getting on to the first tee and playing.
The 2nd thing you can do to improve the distance that you hit the ball. Is to try and improve your launch angle.
Tests have shown that the best angle to get the ball to travel it’s maximum distance is between 12 and 14 degrees of launch angle.
The reason they don’t get the launch angle and they hit it low is firstly they tee the ball up far too low.
If they tee the ball up far to low you actually have to hit down on the ball to make the ball go in the air.
You need to do the opposite. The golf club as it comes down during the swing.
And the easiest way to hit the ball on the up is to make sure you tee the ball higher.
When you tee the ball higher it’s also good to move the ball forward in your stance.
The 3rd thing you can do to improve the distance that you hit the ball is to actually use the correct ball. Some golf balls are made to stop quickly.Some balls are made to run. Now it just depends on what sort of golfer you are and what sort of club head speed you can generate as to which ball you should be using.
Use a ball that runs.So we have a Pinnacle golf ball. That type of ball. There are many brands out there. But the distance ball you will hit the ball 10 to 15 metres further just by changing the ball. Of course when you do that and you hit the ball into the green you have got to then sacrifice how much stop you can put on the ball. So if you are wanting more distance off the tee.It will come at a bit of a sacrifice when it comes time to stop the ball close to the flag once it lands.
So the trade off is something like a Pro V1X which gives you excellent distance from the tee but it does give you great stop-ability.
The 4th way we can actually improve distance from the tee is to actually optimise the settings on your driver. Years ago the driver was a 10.5 degree loft or a 9.5 degree loft or whatever it was and you couldn’t change it. Now with all of the modern drivers that are around. I have 3 drivers here now and every one of these drivers has some customisation built into it.
You can change the loft. We can change the weighting. We can help to try and close the club face a little bit to stop it from spinning out to the right. We can open the clubface to stop it spinning out to the left. Seek out the help of a PGA golf pro an try and optimise the settings for your driver. because you may have the right driver. But optimising the settings might give you that 10 to 15 metres you need for free. Play around with them. it’s a simple one but it is a very important one.
And the fifth and final way to improve the distance that you hit the ball is try and learn to hit the ball with a draw.
Now when I say that I don’t actually mean you have to draw the ball. But if you can get the ball drawing it will actually roll further.You get free yards.
The same thing happens with golf.If we slice the ball or fade the ball we get that left to right spin on the ball for a right hander. The ball just lands softer and spins a little bit to the right.
But if we have got a draw spin on the ball it actually makes the ball land and has a little bit of top spin so you get free yardage.
I have clients that by learning to hit with a draw they have improved their distance by up to 20 metres.
Now of course you don’t have to hit it with a draw.
Some people can and some people can’t. That’s fine. But if you can learn to slice the ball less. That will give you extra distance. So if you normally slice the ball with 20 metres of movement through the air and you work on a few things and you get that ball slicing 10 metres through the air or fading 10 metres through the air. That’s going to spin to the right less and that will give you more distance.
So there we go. There are the 5 things I think you can do to improve distance.

See also  Can I Beat Ryan With 1 Club? | Golfing At Olomana Golf Club In Hawaii

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