45mins Handstand prep class for beginners with Jon Witt 2/6/2021
If you enjoy the videos I made, it would be really helpful if you could help subscribe, share, and like. Namaste!
Live stream schedule-
Hatha yoga class ~ Every Saturday I 9am – 9:45am (Eastern time)
Handstand for beginners ~ Every Friday I 11am – 11:45 (Eastern time)
We will update the schedule weekly at
Facebook user – Go to Jon’s Facebook page, scroll down to videos
Instagram user – Go to @jonwittyoga, click Live Story or IGTV
Stay home and practice with Jon!
I will be using my online platform classes indefinitely until we as humans are no longer at risk to one another. I will also be making shorter videos on the subject of back care- yoga for scoliosis- healthy knees, healthy shoulders, chair yoga and mobility, mobility with flexibility. You can always email me with any questions you may have, to help you along the way.
The class is donation based. You could either-
Venmo to: @jonwittyoga
Pay pal to jonwittyoga@yahoo.com
For more classes and programs, please go to www.jonwittyoga.com