4 Foolproof Golf Tips to Improve Your Putting Technique

If you have been struggling with your golf putting technique, use these simple golf tips to help you start making more putts!

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Length of putter stroke: the first of our putting tips deals with how far back and through your putter should move in the the golf stroke. Many amateur golfers make the mistake of having a shorter backstroke and long follow through, resulting in more inconsistent lag putting.

Ball position: you want to make contact with the golf ball as the putter is working slightly up on the ball. Believe it or not, your putter has a little bit of loft on it, so if you have the ball too far forward (or more likely too far back), you tend to get more inconsistent roll on the putt, skidding or popping the ball along the putting green.

Shape of the Stroke: whether you are working your putter straight back and through or on a slight arcing motion, what you want to know is that either one works. You just want to make sure that you are consistent. The visual of a straight line with the Rimer allows you to see how well you work straight back or how much you are arcing your putter.

Steady Head Position: keep your head steady as you make your putt, so you aren’t moving off the ball or following your putt with your head after making contact.

Look Away Drill: this is easily one of our favorite putting drills. Basically you take a golf tee or coin and place it behind your ball 12 to 18 inches. When you make your stroke, look back at the tee or coin and continue to look at it until you believe your ball reaches the cup. This allows your head and body to stay steady and centered, and helps you also get a feel for the speed you are hitting your putts.

See also  Golf - How To Get A Perfect Putting Stroke

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